02) Conclusions  Home visits and telephone contacts conducted 6

02). Conclusions.  Home visits and telephone contacts conducted 6 monthly from birth are effective in reducing ECC prevalence by 24 months. “
“International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry 2011 Aim.  To investigate the root canal microbiota of primary teeth

with apical periodontitis and the in vivo antimicrobial effects of a calcium hydroxide/chlorhexidine paste used as root canal dressing. Design.  Baseline samples Sotrastaurin cell line were collected from 30 root canals of primary teeth with apical periodontitis. Then, the root canals were filled with a calcium hydroxide paste containing 1% chlorhexidine for 14 days and the second bacteriologic samples were taken prior to root canal filling. Samples were submitted to microbiologic culture procedure to detect root canal bacteria and processed LGK-974 molecular weight for checkerboard DNA–DNA hybridization. Results.  Baseline microbial culture revealed high prevalence and cfu number of anaerobic, black-pigmented bacteroides, Streptococcus, and aerobic microorganisms. Following root canal dressing, the overall number of cfu was dramatically

diminished compared to initial contamination (P <0.05), although prevalence did not change (P > 0.05). Of 35 probes used for checkerboard DNA–DNA hybridization, 31 (88.57%) were present at baseline, and following root canal dressing, the number of positive probes reduced to 13 (37.14%). Similarly, the number of bacterial cells diminished folowing application of calcium hydroxide/chlorhexidine root canal dressing (P = 0.006). Conclusion.  Apical periodontitis is caused by a polymicrobial infection, and a calcium hydroxide/chlorhexidine paste very is effective in reducing the number of bacteria inside root canals when applied as a root canal dressing. “
“International Journal

of Paediatric Dentistry 2012; 22: 116–124 Background.  Intracanal medication is important for endodontic treatment success as it eliminates microorganisms that persist after biomechanical preparation. Aim.  To evaluate the effect of two intracanal medications against Porphyromonas gingivalis and Enterococcus faecalis in the root canals of human primary teeth with necrotic pulp with and without furcal/periapical lesion, using quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR). Design.  Thirty-two teeth with necrotic pulp were used. Twelve teeth did not present lesion, and 20 teeth presented radiographically visible furca/periapical lesion. Microbiological samples were collected after coronal access and biomechanical preparation. The teeth were medicated with calcium hydroxide pastes prepared with either polyethylene glycol or chlorhexidine. After 30 days, the medication was removed and a third collection was performed. Microbiological samples were processed using qRT-PCR. Data were analysed by Wilcoxon and Mann–Whitney tests (α = 0.05). Results.  There was no significant difference in the microbiota present in the primary teeth with and without furcal/periapical lesion.

The rostroventral VA-VL and VM contained two types of GAD67-immun

The rostroventral VA-VL and VM contained two types of GAD67-immunopositive varicosities (large and small), but the caudodorsal VA-VL comprised small ones alone. VGluT2-immunopositive varicosities were much larger in the caudodorsal VA-VL than those in the rostroventral VA-VL and VM. When anterograde tracers were

injected into the basal ganglia output nuclei, the vast majority of labeled axon varicosities were large and distributed in the rostroventral VA-VL and VM, showing immunoreactivity for GAD67, but not for VGluT2. Only the large GAD67-immunopositive varicosities were mostly PLX3397 cost abolished by kainic acid depletion of substantia nigra neurons. In contrast, large to giant axon varicosities derived from the deep cerebellar nuclei were distributed mostly in the caudodorsal VA-VL, displaying VGluT2 immunoreactivity. The VGluT2-positive varicosities disappeared from the core portion of the caudodorsal VA-VL by depletion of cerebellar nucleus neurons. Thus, complementary distributions of large VGluT2- and GAD67-positive terminals in the motor thalamic nuclei are considered to reflect glutamatergic cerebellar and GABAergic

basal ganglia afferents, respectively. “
“Pharmacological studies of narcoleptic canines indicate that exaggerated selleck chemical pontine cholinergic transmission promotes cataplexy. As disruption of orexin (hypocretin) signaling is a primary defect in narcolepsy with cataplexy, we investigated whether markers of cholinergic synaptic transmission might be altered in mice constitutively lacking

orexin receptors very (double receptor knockout; DKO). mRNA for Choline acetyltransferase (ChAT), vesicular acetylcholine transporter (VAChT) and the high-affinity choline transporter (CHT1) but not acetylcholinesterase (AChE) was significantly higher in samples from DKO than wild-type (WT) mice. This was region-specific; levels were elevated in samples from the laterodorsal tegmental nucleus (LDT) and the fifth motor nucleus (Mo5) but not in whole brainstem samples. Consistent with region-specific changes, we were unable to detect significant differences in Western blots for ChAT and CHT1 in isolates from brainstem, thalamus and cortex or in ChAT enzymatic activity in the pons. However, using ChAT immunocytochemistry, we found that while the number of cholinergic neurons in the LDT and Mo5 were not different, the intensity of somatic ChAT immunostaining was significantly greater in the LDT, but not Mo5, from DKO than from WT mice. We also found that ChAT activity was significantly reduced in cortical samples from DKO compared with WT mice.

Here we report a possible case of coinfection with influenza A/H1

Here we report a possible case of coinfection with influenza A/H1N1 and varicella in

a young French traveler returning from a rock festival in Hungary. We report a cluster of influenza A/H1N1 cases at this festival. We report the case of a 23-year-old man who was hospitalized 3 days after returning to France from a rock festival in Budapest, Hungary. The rock festival took place in Sziget Island from 11 to 18 August, 2009. On 17 August, he complained of diarrhea and rhinorrhea without fever. The next day, he went back to France and complained of fever (39.5°C), chills, and cough. On 19 August, a vesicular rash appeared. As he returned from a rock festival1 he was referred Selleckchem PARP inhibitor by his doctor to the H1N1 flu consultation at our department. Clinical examination revealed a disseminated vesicular rash predominantly on the trunk, typical of varicella. Pulmonary examination, pulse oxymetry, and the rest of examination revealed no abnormalities. A nasopharyngeal swab specimen was obtained for the diagnosis of A/H1N1 infection. A cutaneous swab and a serology for varicella zoster virus (VZV) were also performed.

The chest radiography was normal. Laboratory parameters were normal. Real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) detection of influenza A/H1N1 virus, was positive on the nasopharyngeal sample using two tests.2 Real-time PCR detection of VZV was Navitoclax molecular weight also positive in both blood and cutaneous specimens. VZV serology showed the presence of specific IgM and IgG through enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) test (Dade Behring) compatible selleck chemicals with a primary infection with VZV causing varicella. The patient was hospitalized into an individual room using respiratory

and contact isolation procedures as recommended for influenza A/H1N1 and varicella. Oseltamivir (75 mg, two times per day) and valacyclovir (1 g, three times per day) were prescribed for 5 and 7 days, respectively, with a favorable outcome. Oseltamivir and valacyclovir were concomitantly used because a pulmonary infection by both A/H1N1 and VZV virus was suspected, and in reason of asthma in the past medical history of the patient. Sensitivity of the A/HIN1 virus strain to oseltamivir was not tested. The patient was discharged 3 days later with recommendations to carry on the isolation protections at home. Fifteen days later he was seen as an out-patient and he was well. Follow-up of viral shedding was not done. Some 390,000 young people gathered during the 2009 Sziget festival. In the context of the current swine origin H1N1 flu pandemic, a separate medical tent was dedicated to attend participants showing flu symptoms. Possible cases were referred to Szent Margareta local hospital in a dedicated separate department for further investigation. Overall, during the Sziget event, 14 individuals were admitted to St Margareta Hospital (3.6 per 100,000 individuals). Among these cases, eight (57.1%) tested positive for H1N1 by real-time PCR detection on nasal swab samples.

Here we report a possible case of coinfection with influenza A/H1

Here we report a possible case of coinfection with influenza A/H1N1 and varicella in

a young French traveler returning from a rock festival in Hungary. We report a cluster of influenza A/H1N1 cases at this festival. We report the case of a 23-year-old man who was hospitalized 3 days after returning to France from a rock festival in Budapest, Hungary. The rock festival took place in Sziget Island from 11 to 18 August, 2009. On 17 August, he complained of diarrhea and rhinorrhea without fever. The next day, he went back to France and complained of fever (39.5°C), chills, and cough. On 19 August, a vesicular rash appeared. As he returned from a rock festival1 he was referred Cytoskeletal Signaling inhibitor by his doctor to the H1N1 flu consultation at our department. Clinical examination revealed a disseminated vesicular rash predominantly on the trunk, typical of varicella. Pulmonary examination, pulse oxymetry, and the rest of examination revealed no abnormalities. A nasopharyngeal swab specimen was obtained for the diagnosis of A/H1N1 infection. A cutaneous swab and a serology for varicella zoster virus (VZV) were also performed.

The chest radiography was normal. Laboratory parameters were normal. Real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) detection of influenza A/H1N1 virus, was positive on the nasopharyngeal sample using two tests.2 Real-time PCR detection of VZV was Stem Cell Compound Library cell assay also positive in both blood and cutaneous specimens. VZV serology showed the presence of specific IgM and IgG through enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) test (Dade Behring) compatible Flavopiridol (Alvocidib) with a primary infection with VZV causing varicella. The patient was hospitalized into an individual room using respiratory

and contact isolation procedures as recommended for influenza A/H1N1 and varicella. Oseltamivir (75 mg, two times per day) and valacyclovir (1 g, three times per day) were prescribed for 5 and 7 days, respectively, with a favorable outcome. Oseltamivir and valacyclovir were concomitantly used because a pulmonary infection by both A/H1N1 and VZV virus was suspected, and in reason of asthma in the past medical history of the patient. Sensitivity of the A/HIN1 virus strain to oseltamivir was not tested. The patient was discharged 3 days later with recommendations to carry on the isolation protections at home. Fifteen days later he was seen as an out-patient and he was well. Follow-up of viral shedding was not done. Some 390,000 young people gathered during the 2009 Sziget festival. In the context of the current swine origin H1N1 flu pandemic, a separate medical tent was dedicated to attend participants showing flu symptoms. Possible cases were referred to Szent Margareta local hospital in a dedicated separate department for further investigation. Overall, during the Sziget event, 14 individuals were admitted to St Margareta Hospital (3.6 per 100,000 individuals). Among these cases, eight (57.1%) tested positive for H1N1 by real-time PCR detection on nasal swab samples.

Compared to immune competent patients the age of presentation ten

Compared to immune competent patients the age of presentation tends to be younger, with worse performance status and higher LDH. Often the patients present with multifocal disease. In the HIV population the incidence of PCNSL has fallen dramatically since the introduction of HAART [13,14]. In immune competent individuals, the treatment of choice is chemotherapy, with the antimetabolites methotrexate and cytarabine forming the backbone of the majority

of PCNSL regimens www.selleckchem.com/products/ganetespib-sta-9090.html and is the current regimen of choice for de novo immune competent patients [15] with PCNSL. However, in the HIV population this is rarely feasible due to poor performance status and concerns over toxicity with the combination of two chemotherapeutic agents. Therefore single modality use of intravenous methotrexate is the most utilized treatment yielding median overall survival of 8–9 months in most small series of patients [16,17]. In these situations, it is recommended to utilize growth factors such as G-CSF to prevent enhanced haematological toxicity in this population. In patients with well-controlled HIV viral load and good performance status,

and in the absence of comorbidities, ideally the treatment of choice would be combination therapy with a methotrexate and AraC combination. Stem Cell Compound Library high throughput In those cases where treatment is tolerated and chemosensitive disease demonstrated, consolidation of an autologous stem transplant may be considered.

Because of the association with EBV and HIV-related PCNSL, investigators have tried to develop antiviral-based regimens including nucleoside analogues such as AZT and ganciclovir [18]. However, although ORR rates of 56% were reported, outcome measures remain disappointing with OS reported of 4 months [17], which is inferior to single-agent methotrexate. In the future, further knowledge Flavopiridol (Alvocidib) of the biological basis of EBV and its association with PCNSL may facilitate novel targeted approaches. The use of HAART is mandatory, and has been demonstrated in three small series to be correlated with enhanced OS [17,19,20]. Part of its effect may be to induce restoration of an immune response to EBV. Therefore it is recommended to initiate HAART in all newly diagnosed patients with HIV PCNSL. Newer antiviral agents with minimal drug–drug interaction may facilitate the ability to administer standard or intensive chemotherapy agents. Radiotherapy is a useful palliative treatment modality for control of symptoms or should be considered as an alternative first-line treatment modality in those patients where the risks of toxicity from high-dose intravenous agents are considered unacceptable [21]. We recommend that all patients with PCNSL should be started on HAART if not already on it (level of evidence 1C).

Compared with survivors, the deceased patients were older, had a

Compared with survivors, the deceased patients were older, had a higher BMI and greater menopausal status at diagnosis, were more likely to have reported tubal ligation prior to diagnosis, and had higher parity and ever breastfeeding. A higher proportion of deceased patients was diagnosed at an advanced stage, with ascites and poorly differentiated histopathological grade, and chemotherapy after surgery. There were no significant differences in age at menarche, hysterectomy, hormone replacement therapy, oral contraceptive use, and family history of ovarian cancer between the living and deceased patients. The survival curves in the ovarian

cancer patients according to tubal ligation status were distinctly different visually (see Fig. 1) and, based on the log-rank test for equality of survival distributions, the difference was not a chance occurrence click here (P < 0.001). Only 21 (38.9%) of 54 patients who had tubal ligation survived to the time of interview, in contrast to 95 women (67.4%) still alive among the 141 women without tubal ligation. Table 3 shows the crude and Selleck Talazoparib adjusted mortality hazard ratios and 95% CI for epithelial ovarian cancer according to selected factors. Compared with patients in FIGO stage I, the adjusted HR were 12.25 (95% CI 2.47–60.78; P < 0.001) and 24.54 (4.50–133.8; P < 0.001) for those who were diagnosed at FIGO stage III and IV. An insignificant

increased HR was observed for ascites 1.27 (95% CI 1.00–1.60; P = 0.05). There was no significant association between cancer survival and age, BMI, World Health Organization (WHO) grade of differentiation, and chemotherapy status. Adjusted HR and 95% CI for reproductive, gynecological and hormone factors are shown in Table 4. HR significantly increased with tubal ligation prior to diagnosis. Compared to patients without tubal ligation, the adjusted HR was 1.62 (95% CI 1.01–2.59; P = 0.04) for patients who had tubal ligation. There was no significant association found with age at menarche, menopausal status, parity, breastfeeding, hormone replacement therapy, oral contraceptive use, and

hysterectomy. The study found that tubal ligation prior to diagnosis had an independently adverse influence on epithelial ovarian cancer survival in Chinese women. The study had a relatively small sample Lepirudin size and exposures to some factors were uncommon (e.g. only four cases were exposed to estrogens). There was no relationship found between other reproductive, gynecological, and hormone factors and survival of ovarian cancer, in contrast to substantial effects of these factors on the incidence of the disease reported elsewhere.2–9 In addition to the evidence presented here, previous tubal ligation or hysterectomy, multiparity, oral contraceptive use and breastfeeding have been reported as protective factors against ovarian cancer incidence in several others studies.

[58] As pharmacy delivered specialised services are a relatively

[58] As pharmacy delivered specialised services are a relatively new paradigm, this lack of awareness and experience may haveled to patients

preferring their current alternative/service. Future services need to overcome this status-quo bias in order to ensure their continual uptake by patients and long-term sustainability. External validity testing Regorafenib ic50 of DCE responses is important, especially as these responses are made in regards to hypothetical choices. However, there have been relatively fewer tests of external validity in health DCEs.[30] One possible explanation may be that these DCEs have been conducted in countries with publicly funded health care where patients have limited choice and usually do not pay at the point of consumption for many of the health services, thereby making external validity tests difficult to conduct.[30] Consistent with health DCEs, none of the reviewed pharmacy-related DCE studies conducted tests of external validity. It is, however, important to note that the community pharmacy setting can offer a unique opportunity to conduct such external validity tests for hypothetical WTP estimates especially because pharmacy patients often pay at the point of consumption for many pharmacy services

and interventions.[24, 60] Pharmacy practice researchers need to take advantage of this opportunity and conduct more research in this area of external validity testing. To summarise, our review shows how DCEs have ABT737 been designed, conducted and applied within the field of pharmacy. Clearly, more research is needed, beyond the current applications of patient/pharmacist preferences for products and services. The study emphasises the importance of adopting DCEs in pharmacy practice research and the need Histamine H2 receptor to move beyond the commonly used satisfaction instruments. Further, inclusion of health-outcome related attributes as well as preference measurement for specific disease-management services needs to be conducted. Testing for external validity and the incorporation of DCE in an economic evaluation framework to inform pharmacy policy remain important areas for future research. The Authors have no conflicts

of interest to disclose. The Authors alone are responsible for the content and writing of the paper. This research received no specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial or not-for-profit sectors. Pradnya Naik-Panvelkar designed the search strategy, searched the databases, selected studies based on inclusion/exclusion criteria, conducted data abstraction and data synthesis and drafted the manuscript. Bandana Saini assisted in selecting studies based on inclusion/exclusion criteria, data abstraction, data synthesis and critically revised the manuscript. Carol Armour assisted in data synthesis and critically revised the manuscript. All Authors state that they had complete access to the study data that support the publication.

The CHUMS report found that 22% of residents in care homes had at

The CHUMS report found that 22% of residents in care homes had at least one drug administration error, although

very few were of clinical relevance.1 Criticism of care workers raises the issue of whether there is an open and ‘blame-free ‘culture with regard to the reporting of medication errors in order to avoid repeating similar mistakes. The aim of this study was to determine whether stress or anxiety when administering medicines might have an impact on the extent to which staff believe they may be blamed for making selleck a mistake. An attitudinal (Likert-style) self-completion questionnaire, based on the views of local social services carers derived from a previous focus group, was posted to a random sample of 800 care homes in England. A covering letter requested that the care home manager should complete one questionnaire and a second

to be completed by a junior or senior carer with responsibility for administering medicines. The questionnaire included scored attitudinal statements associated with confidence, stress and blame to which respondents were invited to respond with ‘strongly agree’ (5), ‘agree’ (4), ‘neither agree nor disagree’ (3), ‘disagree’ (2) and ‘strongly disagree’ (1) (see Table 1). Attitude scores were compared according to the level of seniority of staff. The study was approved by a Faculty Research Ethics Committee. Returns from 124 (16%) homes yielded 223 valid questionnaires. Nearly all staff were confident of administering medicines correctly although approximately 20% fewer junior staff ‘strongly agreed’ with this statement compared with senior Apoptosis Compound Library high throughput colleagues (Kruskal-Wallis, independent samples p = 0.02*). One in five was worried about being blamed for making a mistake and this figure rose to one in three for junior staff. Eleven per cent of carers stated that they were often stressed when administering medicines. There was a moderate positive correlation between ‘worry about being blamed’ and ‘feeling selleck kinase inhibitor stressed’ (R = 0.53, p < 0.01) and a weak negative correlation between ‘worry about being blamed’ and ‘I feel confident that I am able to administer medicines correctly’

(R = −0.22, p = 0.01). Table 1 Mean attitude scores and proportion in agreement with statement on level of confidence, feeling stressed and worry about being blamed Position in care home I feel confident that I am able to administer medicines correctly I often feel stressed when administering medicines I worry about being blamed for making a mistake with medication   (Mean, 95% CI and % who agreed or strongly agreed) (Mean, 95% CI and % who agreed or strongly agreed) (Mean, 95% CI and % who agreed or strongly agreed) Manager n = 126 4.9 (4.8, 5.0) 99% 1.9 (1.8, 2.0) 11% 2.4 (2.2, 2.6) 18 % Senior n = 75 4.8 (4.7, 4.9 ) 100% 1.9 (1.8, 2.0 ) 11% 2.6 (2.3, 2.8) 25% Junior n = 22 4.6 (4.4, 4.8) 100% * 1.9 (1.8, 2.0 ) 9% 2.5 (2.0, 3.

However, the initial rate of killing was lower for P-starved cell

However, the initial rate of killing was lower for P-starved cells than for N-starved cells. The transient resistance of P-starved cells was partially dependent upon the expression of the phosphate (Pho) and Cpx responses. Constitutive buy LGK-974 activity of the Cpx and RpoE (σE) envelope stress regulons increased the resistance of P- and N-starved

cells. The level of expression of the RpoE regulon was fourfold higher in P-starved cells than in N-starved cell at the time gentamicin was added. Gentamicin killing of nongrowing cells may thus require ongoing aerobic glucose metabolism and faulty synthesis of structural membrane proteins. However, membrane protein damage induced by gentamicin can be eliminated or repaired by RpoE- and Cpx-dependent mechanisms pre-emptively induced in P-starved cells, which reveals a novel mechanism of resistance to gentamicin that is active in certain circumstances. “
“Microbial sulfidogenesis is the main dissimilatory anaerobic

process in anoxic sediments of extremely haloalkaline soda lakes. In soda lakes with a salinity >2 M of the total Na+ sulfate reduction is depressed, while thiosulfate- and sulfur-dependent sulfidogenesis may still be very active. Anaerobic enrichments at pH 10 and a salinity of 2–4 M total Na+ from sediments of hypersaline soda lakes with thiosulfate and elemental sulfur as electron acceptors and simple nonfermentable Alectinib electron donors resulted in the isolation of two groups of haloalkaliphilic bacteria

capable of dissimilatory sulfidogenesis. Both were closely related to obligately heterotrophic fermentative homoacetogens from soda lakes. The salt-tolerant alkaliphilic thiosulfate-reducing isolates were identified as representatives of Tindallia magadiensis, while the extremely natronophilic obligate sulfur/polysulfide-respiring strains belonged Thalidomide to the genus Natroniella and are proposed here as a novel species Natroniella sulfidigena. Despite the close phylogenetic relation to Natroniella acetigena, it drastically differed from the type strain phenotypically (chemolithoautotrophic and acetate-dependent sulfur respiration, absence of acetate as the final metabolic product). Apparently, in the absence of specialized respiratory sulfidogens, primarily fermentative bacteria that are well adapted to extreme salinity may take over an uncharacteristic ecological function. This finding, once again, exemplifies the importance of isolation and phenotypic investigation of pure cultures. Hypersaline soda lakes represent habitats on Earth maintaining stable highly alkaline pH due to the presence of high concentrations of soluble sodium carbonates. Furthermore, some of the soda lakes are hypersaline, which makes them double extreme (hypersaline and hyperalkaline) habitats. Because of these harsh conditions, only a limited number of prokaryotic groups, known as haloalkaliphiles, are thriving in saturated soda brines.

However, the initial rate of killing was lower for P-starved cell

However, the initial rate of killing was lower for P-starved cells than for N-starved cells. The transient resistance of P-starved cells was partially dependent upon the expression of the phosphate (Pho) and Cpx responses. Constitutive selleck inhibitor activity of the Cpx and RpoE (σE) envelope stress regulons increased the resistance of P- and N-starved

cells. The level of expression of the RpoE regulon was fourfold higher in P-starved cells than in N-starved cell at the time gentamicin was added. Gentamicin killing of nongrowing cells may thus require ongoing aerobic glucose metabolism and faulty synthesis of structural membrane proteins. However, membrane protein damage induced by gentamicin can be eliminated or repaired by RpoE- and Cpx-dependent mechanisms pre-emptively induced in P-starved cells, which reveals a novel mechanism of resistance to gentamicin that is active in certain circumstances. “
“Microbial sulfidogenesis is the main dissimilatory anaerobic

process in anoxic sediments of extremely haloalkaline soda lakes. In soda lakes with a salinity >2 M of the total Na+ sulfate reduction is depressed, while thiosulfate- and sulfur-dependent sulfidogenesis may still be very active. Anaerobic enrichments at pH 10 and a salinity of 2–4 M total Na+ from sediments of hypersaline soda lakes with thiosulfate and elemental sulfur as electron acceptors and simple nonfermentable Talazoparib nmr electron donors resulted in the isolation of two groups of haloalkaliphilic bacteria

capable of dissimilatory sulfidogenesis. Both were closely related to obligately heterotrophic fermentative homoacetogens from soda lakes. The salt-tolerant alkaliphilic thiosulfate-reducing isolates were identified as representatives of Tindallia magadiensis, while the extremely natronophilic obligate sulfur/polysulfide-respiring strains belonged to to the genus Natroniella and are proposed here as a novel species Natroniella sulfidigena. Despite the close phylogenetic relation to Natroniella acetigena, it drastically differed from the type strain phenotypically (chemolithoautotrophic and acetate-dependent sulfur respiration, absence of acetate as the final metabolic product). Apparently, in the absence of specialized respiratory sulfidogens, primarily fermentative bacteria that are well adapted to extreme salinity may take over an uncharacteristic ecological function. This finding, once again, exemplifies the importance of isolation and phenotypic investigation of pure cultures. Hypersaline soda lakes represent habitats on Earth maintaining stable highly alkaline pH due to the presence of high concentrations of soluble sodium carbonates. Furthermore, some of the soda lakes are hypersaline, which makes them double extreme (hypersaline and hyperalkaline) habitats. Because of these harsh conditions, only a limited number of prokaryotic groups, known as haloalkaliphiles, are thriving in saturated soda brines.