The rostroventral VA-VL and VM contained two types of GAD67-immunopositive varicosities (large and small), but the caudodorsal VA-VL comprised small ones alone. VGluT2-immunopositive varicosities were much larger in the caudodorsal VA-VL than those in the rostroventral VA-VL and VM. When anterograde tracers were
injected into the basal ganglia output nuclei, the vast majority of labeled axon varicosities were large and distributed in the rostroventral VA-VL and VM, showing immunoreactivity for GAD67, but not for VGluT2. Only the large GAD67-immunopositive varicosities were mostly PLX3397 cost abolished by kainic acid depletion of substantia nigra neurons. In contrast, large to giant axon varicosities derived from the deep cerebellar nuclei were distributed mostly in the caudodorsal VA-VL, displaying VGluT2 immunoreactivity. The VGluT2-positive varicosities disappeared from the core portion of the caudodorsal VA-VL by depletion of cerebellar nucleus neurons. Thus, complementary distributions of large VGluT2- and GAD67-positive terminals in the motor thalamic nuclei are considered to reflect glutamatergic cerebellar and GABAergic
basal ganglia afferents, respectively. “
“Pharmacological studies of narcoleptic canines indicate that exaggerated selleck chemical pontine cholinergic transmission promotes cataplexy. As disruption of orexin (hypocretin) signaling is a primary defect in narcolepsy with cataplexy, we investigated whether markers of cholinergic synaptic transmission might be altered in mice constitutively lacking
orexin receptors very (double receptor knockout; DKO). mRNA for Choline acetyltransferase (ChAT), vesicular acetylcholine transporter (VAChT) and the high-affinity choline transporter (CHT1) but not acetylcholinesterase (AChE) was significantly higher in samples from DKO than wild-type (WT) mice. This was region-specific; levels were elevated in samples from the laterodorsal tegmental nucleus (LDT) and the fifth motor nucleus (Mo5) but not in whole brainstem samples. Consistent with region-specific changes, we were unable to detect significant differences in Western blots for ChAT and CHT1 in isolates from brainstem, thalamus and cortex or in ChAT enzymatic activity in the pons. However, using ChAT immunocytochemistry, we found that while the number of cholinergic neurons in the LDT and Mo5 were not different, the intensity of somatic ChAT immunostaining was significantly greater in the LDT, but not Mo5, from DKO than from WT mice. We also found that ChAT activity was significantly reduced in cortical samples from DKO compared with WT mice.