Recently, an epigenome analyses in rice revealed the details of the genome wide loss of DNA methyla tion after regeneration. We demonstrated for trans genic N. attenuata plants, that a secondary callus regeneration step could be used to recover transgene expression in the offspring of the regenerated plants. In this way, the desired gene expression levels could be achieved, even from plants Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries with progressively silenced constructs. However, the transgene was re silenced within most of the regenerants after two generations, highlighting the temporary character of the recovery. Regardless, the onset of gene silencing was successfully deferred for one generation with plants that produce many seeds, which provides a long term source of material for further experiments.
Similar at tempts in gentian plants failed and the gene suppres sion persisted, probably because already silenced leaf tissue was used for the secondary regeneration. Therefore we used hypocotyl tissue of T2 seedlings, which were still resistant and indicated a relative low methylation rate. We hypothesize, that a cell culture induced transgene Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries recovery mainly functions by interfering with the somatic de Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries novo methylation process, rather than actively demethylating a transgene. The offspring of the regenerants were phenotypically normal, making this method suitable for ecological research. Conclusions There is considerable interest in the creation of transformed plant lines with stable and heritable pheno types, but the dynamics of epigenetic mechanisms dur ing plant development can lead to gradual changes within a single generation and transgene half life could compromise long term experiments.
Overall, the regula tion of cytosine methylation Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries in vegetative tissue seems be more dynamic than previously thought. Unlike in ani mals in which the germline is sequestered, plants de velop germ cells directly from somatic cells relative late in their life cycle. Any vegetative acquired change of the Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries genome could therefore be potentially submitted to the offspring, giving plants the potential to flexibly adapt to a rapid changing environment. Apparently epi genetic processes can play a much greater role in driving plant evolution than previously thought. Methods Construction of transformation vectors For heterologous expression of antimicrobial peptides in N. attenuata altogether 11 different vectors were constructed. Plants transformed with the vectors pSOL9PNA, pSOL9ICE and pSOL9FAB were analyzed here in more detail. The different antimicrobial peptide coding genes were selected from the PhytAMP database and were syn thesized in sequential PCR reactions with overlapping 40 bp primers.