Stroma anatomy: Ostioles (70–)80–110(–120) μm (n = 21) long, PXD101 cell line plane with the surface or projecting to 45(–70) μm, (30–)33–55(–70) μm (n = 15) wide at the apex; ostiolar opening surrounded by a palisade of hyaline, narrowly cylindrical, apically slightly expanded cells. Perithecia (160–)180–250(–310) × (105–)135–210(–250) μm (n = 31), flask-shaped, ellipsoidal or globose. Peridium colourless, 10–22
μm thick. Cortical layer (12–)17–30(–35) μm (n = 20) thick, a t. angularis of cells (3.5–)4.5–10(–14.5) μm (n = 60) diam in face view and in section, with walls to 1 μm thick, reddish brown in water, orange-brown in lactic acid,
pigment unevenly deposited in cell walls, giving a mottled appearance to the stroma surface. Hairs arising from the stroma surface, click here yellowish to PF-01367338 solubility dmso pale brown, comprising 2–5 cells, apically rounded, rarely branched, sometimes consisting of only one inflated cell, (7–)10–30(–62) × (2.0–)3.5–5.0(–6.5) μm (n = 49), walls 0.5–1 μm thick. Subcortical tissue comprising a hyaline mixture of intertwined hyphae, (2.5–)3.0–6.0(–6.5) μm (n = 10) wide, vertical and parallel between perithecia, and few subglobose to angular cells similar to those of the cortex. Subperithecial tissue a homogeneous, dense t. epidermoidea of globose to elongate, thin-walled, hyaline cells, (4–)5–19(–26) × (3–)4–10(–13) μm (n = 30), gradually smaller and interspersed with some narrow hyphae (2.0–)2.5–5.5(–6.5) μm (n = 10) wide CYTH4 towards the base of the stroma. Asci (70–)87–112(–132) × (4.0–)5.5–7.0(–8.5) μm (n = 72), stipe (5–)9–17(–22) μm (n = 30) long. Ascospores hyaline, verrucose, verrucae
ca 0.5 μm diam; cells dimorphic, distal cell (3.7–)4.5–5.7(–7.7) × (3.2–)4.0–4.7(–6.5) μm, l/w (0.9–)1.0–1.4(–1.8) (n = 120), subglobose or oval, sometimes wedge-shaped, proximal cell (3.7–)4.7–6.5(–8.0) × (3.0–)3.5–4.2(–5.2) μm, l/w (1.2–)1.3–1.9(–2.3) (n = 120), oblong to wedge-shaped, the lower end broadly rounded. Cultures and anamorph: optimal growth at 25°C on all media; no growth at 35°C. On CMD after 72 h 25–27 mm at 15°C, 39–40 mm at 25°C, 8–14 mm at 30°C; mycelium covering the plate after 5–6 days at 25°C. Colony thin, hyaline, dense, homogeneous, not zonate; margin ill-defined, diffuse. Hyphae loosely arranged, thin, finely reticulate. Autolytic activity absent, coilings and aerial hyphae inconspicuous. No diffusing pigment formed. A weak coconut-like odour formed in some but not all strains. Chlamydospores rare, typically subglobose, terminal, less frequently intercalary, hyaline to pale yellowish.