The phospholipids (5 mM) were treated with LiRecDT1 (10 μg) under

The phospholipids (5 mM) were treated with LiRecDT1 (10 μg) under the same experimental conditions (examining the kinetics from 5 min to 24 h), and choline

generation was then evaluated using a fluorimetric method. As shown in Fig. 2, SM was preferentially hydrolyzed compared to LPC, which was also hydrolyzed but to a lower degree, while PC was only residually hydrolyzed; this degradation occurred in a time-dependent manner. Under the applied conditions, recombinant brown spider phospholipase-D preferentially hydrolyzes SM and LPC and can be considered both a sphingomyelinase-D and a lysophospholipase-D. Following the LiRecDT1 treatments, the results indicated the generation of at least two bioactive lipids: ceramide 1-phosphate from SM and lysophosphatidic acid from LPC. Although, SM is hydrolyzed at first 30 min with a higher intensity when compared to LPC. Additionally, we demonstrated that there are attachment sites for recombinant brown spider phospholipase-D on the B16-F10 cell membrane. B16-F10 cells were used as a melanoma model

because melanoma cells produce and secrete autotaxin-like phospholipase-D molecules, which have been found to be involved in the stimulation of tumor cell growth and several anti-CTLA-4 antibody other metabolic changes (Umezu-Goto et al., 2002; Okudaira et al., 2010). We investigated B16-F10 cells treated with LiRecDT1 based on an immunofluorescence reaction using an antibody that reacts with brown spider

phospholipase-D (Chaim et al., 2006; da Silveira et al., 2006). As shown in Fig. 3A, the antibody reaction produced a Florfenicol positive signal at the B16-F10 cell surface. To confirm antibody specificity, we employed the same immunofluorescence approach with the following modifications: incubating the antibody with an excess of LiRecDT1 (100 μg/mL) in solution and then exposing B16-F10/LiRecDT1-treated cells to this mixture (antigen competition assay). The results supported the direct binding of LiRecDT1 to the B16-F10 cell surface. Moreover, B16-F10 cells were incubated with the recombinant fusion toxin GFP-LiRecDT1 (Chaves-Moreira et al., 2009) using GFP alone as a negative control. The cells were evaluated via fluorescence microscopy. As depicted in Fig. 3B, the recombinant phospholipase-D fusion protein bound to B16-F10 cells, whereas the signal for GFP alone was negative. These findings were strengthened by the results of binding competition assays, as described in the Materials and Methods.

2A) and mRNA level (Fig 2B) Basal VEGF protein production in LL

2A) and mRNA level (Fig. 2B). Basal VEGF protein production in LLC-PK1 cells ranges around

200–300 pg/ml and it was influenced by both toxins comparable to mRNA level. ELISA test demonstrated MDV3100 that AAI slightly but significantly elevated, whereas OTA strongly decreased VEGF protein level (Fig. 2C). In order to investigate the potential mechanisms of alterations in VEGF production we checked the effect of AAI and OTA on the activity of transcription factors known to regulate VEGF expression (the binding sites of which are located within VEGF promoter), such as HIFs, SP-1, AP-1 and NFκB (Pages and Pouyssegur, 2005). Using the cells transfected with a reporter construct regulated by the hypoxia responsive element (HRE) from the VEGF promoter we demonstrated that AAI activated whereas OTA diminished HRE activity (Fig. 3A) at concentrations tested. Moreover, we showed that AAI and OTA exerted

opposite effect on SP-1 activity (Fig. 3B). AAI was found to produce increase in SP-1 activity (Fig. 3B) but it did not affect SP-1 mRNA level (Fig. S1A). In contrast, OTA reduced activity of SP-1 (Fig. 3B) and SP-1 mRNA level was concomitantly inhibited by ∼42 ± 18%. Additionally, AP1-SEAP construct was employed to determine the effect of toxins on AP-1 activity. As observed previously (Boesch-Saadatmandi et al., 2008) and confirmed in this study, OTA diminished AP-1 activity. AAI delivery exerted also inhibitory effect (Fig. 3C), although not so strong as OTA. In our hands, the activity of NFκB transcription factor was not influenced by Alectinib concentration non-toxic 4-Aminobutyrate aminotransferase doses of AAI and OTA (Fig. S1B). In order to verify the effect of both toxins on HIFs transcription factors activity we have performed the immunofluorescent staining as well as western blot for specific HIF isoforms. Stimulation with AAI elevated nuclear accumulation of HIF-1α and HIF-2α isoforms (Fig. 3D, E, middle column) whereas after OTA delivery inhibition was observed (Fig. 3D, E right column). Also western blot analysis of HIF-2α protein revealed inhibition after OTA and up-regulation caused by AAI stimulation (Fig.

3F). As ROS are known to affect HIF level (reviewed in Stachurska et al., 2010) in order to verify the possible mechanism of alterations in HIF level we investigated the effect of AAI and OTA on ROS generation. We observed previously (Boesch-Saadatmandi et al., 2008) as well as in this study, the enhancement of ROS generation after OTA delivery, however AAI did not affect ROS level (Fig. 3G). Therefore, increase in HIFs evoked by AAI is not caused by ROS. As AAI concomitantly elevates VEGF expression and activity of SP-1 and HIFs, we investigated the possible role of SP-1 and HIFs transcription factors in induction of VEGF production evoked by AAI. Mithramycin A was used to silence SP-1 activity (Blume et al., 1991) whereas HIFs were inhibited with chetomin (Kung et al., 2004).

2a, similar to Slovic, 1987) Mood was chosen over excitement bec

2a, similar to Slovic, 1987). Mood was chosen over excitement because it was most relevant to wellbeing. The top right quadrant highlights the activities that had high mood benefits to the visitor but also high risk to the environment (e.g. rock pooling and playing with the family), the lower right quadrant highlights activities with greater benefits to the visitor that were less detrimental to the environment (e.g. swimming and sunbathing/relaxing), and activities in the quadrants LGK-974 cell line on the left were seen to be less beneficial to the visitor and either potentially detrimental

to the environment (top left; e.g. fishing and picnicking) or not as detrimental (bottom left; e.g. cycling and jogging). When calculating perceived risk, activities were found to significantly differ from one another in terms of perceived total risk to the environment, F (5.91, 224.70) = 12.60, p < 0.001, partial η2 = 0.25 (medium effect); with fishing, bait collecting and rock pooling being perceived as having the most risk to the environment, and swimming, sunbathing/relaxing and playing were seen as having the least ( Table 5 for individual means). There were 34 comments that responded to the open-response item. Four themes arose

(Table 6): 1) Disturbance, direct manipulation and disruption to the environment such as “People looking under boulders either for observation or fishing and bait collection WITHOUT turning them back in place [resulting in] organisms used to shade will die”. 2) Removal ERK inhibitor of organisms, damage to the habitat and wildlife by removing individual items; for example “Harvesting of species – Removing biomass, genetic variability and reproductive Y-27632 chemical structure potential cannot enhance the dynamics of the system”. 3) Littering, the act of leaving rubbish on the shore; for example being left “…by visitors using beach for picnics etc”. 4) Trampling,

detrimental effects of people walking on the shore on the environment and species including “… crushable algae & sessile animals like mussels”. To verify that country of residence did not influence these themes, a chi-square analysis compared responses from the UK residents (n = 12) to the remaining residents (n = 29) (comparing all nationalities was not feasible due to group sizes). Overall they highlighted similar themes, χ2 = 0.75, df = 3, p = 0.86. All of the activities were seen to improve visitors’ happiness, as all scores were above the midpoint of no change (all ps < 0.006, Table 5). It was found that the activities did differ in regards to perceived happiness, F (4.23, 156.40) = 9.68, p < 0.001, partial η2 = 0.21 (medium effect); with swimming, rock pooling and wildlife watching having the greatest positive influence. As well as believing that happiness increases with a visit to a rocky shore, participants also felt that marine awareness increased with a visit (Table 7). Marine awareness for all five topics was perceived to significantly increase with a visit (all ps < 0.001).


from the extraction and analysis of the combined


from the extraction and analysis of the combined rod and filter for four brands of commercial cigarettes using the method developed for this study are shown in Table 1. Menthol results compare quite well with those given by Celebucki et al. [36] and in the recent Food and Drug Administration/Tobacco Products Scientific Advisory Committee report ([37], p. 18), where the latter references selleck chemical tobacco manufacturers’ claims that characterizing levels of menthol are achieved at 1.2 mg/g menthol and that most menthol cigarettes contain at least 3 mg/g menthol. Nicotine results are consistent with those for cigarette tobacco filler previously reported ([38]; World Health Organization [WHO], 2005). The distributions of menthol between rod and filter are similar to 79% and 21%, respectively, reported by Brozinski et al. [39] for commercial menthol cigarettes. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of the distribution of nicotine between rod and filter for commercial

mentholated and nonmentholated cigarettes. selleck kinase inhibitor The fact that most of the nicotine is contained in the tobacco rod is consistent with tobacco being the source of nicotine, and the minimal transfer of nicotine from rod to filter is due to the nicotine’s low volatility (vapor pressure of 0.03 mm Hg at 25 °C). Analyses conducted by GC/MS on the same extracts confirmed the levels of menthol, nicotine, and quinoline found using GC/FID and showed no interferences in the chromatogram at the retention times corresponding to these analytes.

These results, taken together with the acceptable spike recoveries of menthol and nicotine and agreement with Tyrosine-protein kinase BLK previously published measurements of menthol and nicotine in the cigarette filter and tobacco rod, effectively qualify our extraction and GC/FID analysis method as both accurate and precise for the determination of the menthol and nicotine content of unburned cigarettes. We evaluated the levels of menthol in cigarettes collected after 24, 48, 72, and 96 hours of custom mentholation. As anticipated, with increasing exposure of the cigarettes to the menthol crystals in the vapor deposition process, the level of menthol in the cigarettes increased, as shown in Figure 1. Menthol was not detected above the instrumental limit of quantitation (approximately 0.17 mg/g) in any of the control cigarettes (evaluated at the same time points). This range-finding experiment showed that under the conditions selected, the menthol level ranged from 3.4 mg/g to 8.

Il confronto fra vittoria “tecnica” nel gioco e raggiungimento di

Il confronto fra vittoria “tecnica” nel gioco e raggiungimento di obiettivi di ESS, suggerisce di considerare i giochi per l׳ESS come finalizzati a costruire innanzi tutto una visione integrata, valoriale e strategica, necessaria a ottenere equilibri sostenibili

altrimenti solo “tecnici” o impreparati al cambiamento. La riflessione sulla necessità di tale visione integrata dovrebbe essere anche alla base del debriefing, indipendentemente dal gioco. Tali risultati evidenziano come giochi finalizzati all׳ESS costruiti sulla TdG permettano di definire operativamente l׳ESS come un׳educazione alla scelta di strategie comportamentali dinamiche, in base all׳interazione Nivolumab order dei saperi e dei valori soggiacenti all׳identità dell׳individuo con la sua realtà ambientale e socioeconomica. La TdG andrebbe sistematicamente

applicata nella sperimentazione o creazione di giochi per l׳ESS, basati su studi di caso proposti dagli stessi giocatori, spinti a condividere l׳analisi dei saperi necessari a interpretare il problema che vogliono affrontare e dei valori che vi riconoscono coinvolti, ma lasciando la scelta/realizzazione del gioco al docente. Questo lavoro apre diverse prospettive di ricerca: la ricchezza dei dati della SPC suggerisce di estenderne il campione e costruire modelli probabilistici quantitativi; l׳interpretazione in termini di visione valoriale e strategica è efficace, ma forse limitata al tipo molto semplice di gioco utilizzato: AP24534 datasheet altri dovrebbero essere realizzati e sperimentati;

data infine l׳esiguità dei campioni, elementi come il genere dei giocatori o lo studio dei loro saperi dovrebbero Farnesyltransferase essere considerati. Si ringraziano i docenti in formazione di Scuola Media, Scuola Elementare e dell׳Infanzia per la loro grande di-sponibilità e gli interessanti spunti di riflessione offerti nel corso delle attività. None of the authors have any conflict of interest. “
“With the development of the World Wide Web, knowledge has become easily accessible to most people in all fields. Accompanying this accessibility, new constraints emerged for both teachers and learners: finding appropriate information on one hand and constructing meaningful knowledge within this wheat of information on the other hand. Indeed, once the information found, it still remains to verify their truthfulness, and to be able to link them together in order to construct, in precise, logic and explicit ways, a solid and reliable framework of knowledge. This requires understanding, analyzing, and evaluating what has been learned, and corresponds to a high degree of scientific expertise and advanced thinking skills. Teachers sometimes emphasize on memorizing information or specific terms (Mayer, 2002).

6) In a two-way ANOVA test, significant differences in the effec

6). In a two-way ANOVA test, significant differences in the effect of treatment [F(3,35) = 41.06; P < 0.0001], time [F(7,35) = 6.46; P < 0.0001] and treatment-vs.-time interaction [F(21,245) = 1.679; P < 0.001] were observed. Post hoc analysis indicated that highest doses of A. paulensis crude venom

(60 and 40 μg/paw) induced an edematogenic effect that was observed during the whole experimentation period. Moreover, at the periods of 40, 90 and 120 min after venom injection, significant differences between the highest doses and the lowest (20 μg/paw) were observed. The evaluation of the records obtained in the in situ frog heart showed transient cardiac arrest produced by vagal stimulation and after administration of venom (500 μg) ( Fig. 7). The vagal stimulation led to a reduction on the contraction force (negative inotropic effect) and heart rate (negative chronotropic BIBF 1120 ic50 effect), well-known effects mediated by the release of acetylcholine

(ACh) from parasympathetic autonomic nerve terminals. These effects were reversible within 30 s. The crude venom also produced negative chronotropic and inotropic effects, causing cardiac arrest, which was reversible in about 2 min. The vagal stimulation effect was completely blocked in the presence of atropine (2 μg), a muscarinic receptor blocker. By adding crude venom (500 μg) in the heart pretreated this website with atropine, no changes in the electrical register were observed, indicating the blockade by atropine. The brief destabilization in the mechanical register could be explained

by the Frank–Starling mechanism, which illustrates the ability of the vertebrate heart to intrinsically modulate the rate and strength of cardiac muscle contractility in response to changes in atrial pressure driven by changes in venous return ( da Silva et al., 2011). The assay with the isolated frog ventricle strips confirmed the results obtained in the heart in situ ( Fig. 8). The crude venom (50 μg) caused a reduction in the strength of ventricle slice contraction (negative inotropic effect) similar to that produced by acetylcholine (0.25 μg). The same effect was reproduced with the “low molecular mass Pregnenolone fraction – LMMF” (12.5 μg), but not with the “protein fraction – PF” (50 μg). The administration of atropine (2 μg) to the bath caused a mild positive inotropic effect, which remained after administration of ACh, crude venom or LMMF. In the presence of atropine, the effects of these were no longer observed. The records of ACh (0.25 μg) and LMMF (12.5 μg) in presence of atropine (2 μg) were equal to that of “atropine plus venom”, shown in Fig. 8A, and therefore are not illustrated. Fig. 8B shows the reduction rate of muscle contraction obtained for each treatment. Statistically, the crude venom, LMMF and acetylcholine had similar negative inotropic effects. The protein fraction (PF) conversely did not show this effect.

(2008) and the

TAcalc values for Eq  (2) is 2 ± 0 2 μmol 

(2008) and the

TAcalc values for Eq. (2) is 2 ± 0.2 μmol kg− 1. The uncertainty in the calculated TCO2 has been assessed by comparing measured values of surface TCO2 for the region (Table 1) with values calculated using the TAcalc (Eq. (2)) and the corresponding surface pCO2 values at the time the TCO2 measurements were made. The mean differences (measured-calculated) values of TCO2 and Ωar are − 2 ± 6 μmol kg− 1 and − 0.01, respectively, indicating the calculated values do provide a good estimate of these parameters. The annual mean and seasonal variability in TAcalc are shown in Fig. 4 and appear to be closely related to the variability in precipitation and in the transport of the major currents in the region. The annual mean of TAcalc in the SEC (5°N–20°S) and NEC (15°N–20°N) regions is above 2298 μmol kg− 1, which is the mean value for the entire study area. The TAcalc values for SEC and NEC waters decrease to the Palbociclib west as these waters freshen and mix more with the lower TA waters of the western Pacific. The influence of salinity changes on surface TA values can be evaluated Nutlin-3a datasheet by normalizing the values to a constant salinity of 35 (NTA = TA × 35 / SAL) following Chen and Millero (1979). The NTA for measured samples averages 2300 ± 6 μmol kg− 1 (n = 799) for the entire study region, in close agreement with a calculated NTA

(NTAcalc) mean of 2300 ± 0.3 μmol kg− 1 (n = 3708). The gridded NTAcalc values reported here are the same as previously reported measured NTA values (2300 ± 6 μmol kg− 1) of Millero et al. (1998) and is similar to the gridded NTA values (2294 ± 14 μmol kg− 1) calculated using interpolated surface TA from GLODAP (Key et al., 2004) and gridded salinity data from CARS (Dunn and Ridgway, 2002 and Ridgway et al., 2002). The seasonal change in salinity due to vertical mixing is typically small over the entire study area (Bingham et al., 2010), including in the equatorial and tropical Western Pacific where a semi-permanent barrier layer restricts vertical

mixing (de Boyer Montégut et al., 2007). This suggests that vertical mixing has a minor role in the seasonal variability in TA, which Atezolizumab is driven more by changes in precipitation and advection. The months of TAcalc minimum values in the region of the South and North Equatorial Counter Currents (SECC and NECC, respectively) are March–April and October–December, respectively. The minima coincide with the maximum easterly transport of these currents (Chen and Qiu, 2004 and Philander et al., 1987), which would result in a greater transport of fresher, low TA waters from the Western Pacific to the east. The NECC waters are also fresher and have lower TAcalc values than SECC waters due to greater precipitation (Bingham et al., 2010). For the WPWP, high precipitation during the summer monsoon from December to April (Bingham et al., 2010 and Johnson et al.

Crotalus durissus collilineatus is present in central and norther

Crotalus durissus collilineatus is present in central and northern Brazil, including parts of Rondônia, Mato Grosso, Goiás, southWestern

Bahia, Western Minas Gerais, and São Paulo (where it intermingles with C. durissus terrificus), and its presence may extend southward into Western Paraná ( Fig. 1). Crotalus durissus marajoensis is restricted to the “cerrado” of Ilha de Marajó in the state of Pará. Crotalus durissus ruruima is also present in Roraima ( Melgarejo, 2003). The general pharmacological and composition of the venom from the various Crotalus species in Brazil is very similar ( Santoro et al., 1999; Boldrini-Franca, 2010). The toxins in Crotalus venoms are crotoxin, crotamin ( Gonçalves, 1956) and gyroxin ( Barrio, 1961; Barrabin et al., 1978). Crotoxin is responsible for both the neurotoxic and systemic myotoxic effects characteristic of this venom. Crotoxin was first isolated from the venom of C. d. terrificus ( Slotta and Fraenkel-Conrat, check details 1938). STI571 Crotoxin

comprises two sub-units that are non-covalently linked: the non-catalytic crotoxin A (CA), or crotapotin, and the catalytic unit, crotoxin B (CB), which is also known as PLA2. Crotapotin is an acidic polypeptide with no detectable enzymatic activity ( Harris, 1991). Crotapotin, working as a chaperon, potentiates the toxicity of PLA2 by about 35-fold. PLA2 is a basic single-chain polypeptide formed by 123 amino acid residues. PLA2 binds pre-synaptic receptors, inhibiting acetylcholine release ( Marlas and Bon, 1982). Mice and horses immunized with purified PLA2 are protected from the lethal effects of the C. d. terrificus crude venom ( Dos Santos et al., 1988, 1989). While antibodies specific to crotapotin are unable to neutralize crotoxin activity, antibodies specific to PLA2 neutralize crotoxin but do not cross-react with crotapotin ( Choumet et al., 1998). Crotamin was isolated as a basic protein, i.p. 10.3, from C. d. terrificus ( Gonçalves, 1956). The biological and biochemical molecular features of crotamin suggest that crotamin is related to myotoxins ( Bieber and Nedelkov, 1997). Crotamin was purified ( Seki et al.,

triclocarban 1980), and its nucleotide sequence was determined ( Rádis-Baptista et al., 1999). In vitro and in vivo studies indicate that crotamin is a cell membrane-penetrating protein with nuclear localization. Although the nature of the interaction between crotamin and cells has not been investigated at the molecular level, the suggested mechanisms differ from those of DAPI or 5-BrdU. Cumulatively, the data indicate that crotamin could be a marker for actively proliferating cells ( Kerkis et al., 2004). Gyroxin was described by Barrio (1961), and it was subsequently isolated from the venom of C. d. terrificus ( Barrabin et al., 1978). This toxin was first identified by its ability to induce a loss of equilibrium and the subsequent complete revolutions of the body around the longitudinal axis upon experimental injection into mice (barrel roll).

Functioning together as an intricate oscillatory system, all the

Functioning together as an intricate oscillatory system, all the straits take part in the water exchange processes (Otsmann et al. 2001). The Irbe Strait, the largest one, signaling pathway is 27 km wide. The Suur Strait has a width of 5 km, a maximum depth of 20 m and a cross-sectional area of 0.044 km2. The Hari, Voosi and Soela Straits are 8, 2

and 4 km wide respectively. Annually, the Gulf receives some 32 km3 of freshwater input from rivers (mainly from the Daugava in the southern part of the Gulf), while the Väinameri receives 1 km3 yr− 1 on average. The average salinity in the Gulf of Riga is approximately 5.6 (Berzinsh et al. 1994) and the salinity in the Baltic Proper near the Gulf is 7.2. Because of its shallowness, the absence of significant density gradients Galunisertib between the sub-basins, and weak tides, the major factors forcing water exchange are wind stress and occasional sea level differences (which are also mainly produced by wind conditions). The maximum depth along the longitudinal transect between the Kõiguste and Matsi measuring sites is 24 m

(Figure 1). North of that 23 km long transect begins the funnel-like entrance to the Suur Strait with typical depths between 5 and 15 m. A self-contained medium-range (600 Mhz) oceanographic instrument RDCP-600 manufactured by Aanderaa Data Instruments (AADI) was deployed by divers on the seabed at 58°19.2′N 23°01.2′E (Kõiguste), about 4 km offshore. The upward-facing instrument was deployed for the period 2 October 2010–11 May 2011, and 5310 hours of multi-layer current data were obtained. The same instrument was used for recording at the Matsi site (58°20.4′N 23°42.8′E, 1.5 km off the Sõmeri Peninsula) from 1400 hrs GMT on 13 June 2011. As at Kõiguste, the measuring interval was set at 1 hour and the instrument provided 1941 hours of data until 2 September 2011. The RDCP-600

was also equipped with some additional sensors to measure temperature, conductivity, oxygen and turbidity. The high accuracy quartz-based pressure sensor (resolution 0.001% of full scale) was used to measure the waves above the instrument. The significant wave height Hs, the most commonly see more used wave parameter, was calculated from the energy spectrum. It represents the average height of the 1/3 highest waves, and is roughly equal to the visually observed ‘average wave height’. The initial mooring depth was about 12 m at Kõiguste and 10 m at Matsi but the instantaneous water depth varied in time with meteorologically driven sea level changes (Figure 2a,b). The vertical column set-up for flow measurements included a 2 m cell size with a 50% overlap, so the ‘3 m depth’ actually represented the 2–4 m depth interval etc. Beginning with the seabed, there was a 2 m blank distance between the instrument and the lowest measurable cell.

The institutional review board of the University of Texas Health

The institutional review board of the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio approved all study procedures. A detailed description of MRI scanning procedures and imaging acquisition can be found in Parkinson et al., 2012. In summary, subjects lay in the scanner with electrostatic headphones (Koss KSP 950) and viewed a monitor screen displaying a visual cue, “ahhh”. Each trial began with the presentation of a speech or rest visual cue. Subjects vocalized until the

cue selleck chemicals disappeared from the screen (5 s). During vocalization the subject’s voice was shifted ±100 cents (200 ms; randomized direction; >250 ms post onset) during shift trials, and had no shift during vocalization only conditions. When presented with a rest cue, subjects remained

silent. Data Fulvestrant molecular weight were stored to a PC workstation and analyzed off-line. An experimental block consisted of 64 trials, 48 vocalization trials (16 shift-up, 16 shift-down, 16 no-shift) and 16 rest trials. The trials were presented in a random order. Each subject performed 3 experimental blocks within the session and there was a 2-min rest period between each block. All structural and fMRI data were acquired on a Siemens Trio 3T scanner. Three full-resolution structural images were acquired using a T1-weighted, 3D TurboFlash sequence with an adiabatic inversion contrast pulse with a resolution of 0.8 mm isotropic. The scan parameters were TE = 3.04, TR = 2100, TI = 78 ms, flip angle = 13,

256 slices, FOV = 256 mm, 160 transversal slices. The three structural images were combined to create an average, which was then used to register the brain of each subject to their functional data. The functional images were acquired using a sparse sampling technique. T2* weighted BOLD images were acquired using the following parameters; FOV 220 mm, slice acquisition voxel size = 2 × 2 × 3 mm, 43 slices, matrix size = 96 × 96, flip angle = 90, TA = 3000 ms, TR = 11,250 ms and TE = 30 ms. Slices were acquired in an interleaved order with a 10% slice distance factor. Each experimental run of the task consisted of 64 volumes. Functional ROS1 data were obtained using a sparse sampling technique triggered by a digital pulse sent from the stimulus computer for each event. Prior studies have found that primary motor cortex, superior temporal gyrus, anterior cingulate cortex, supplementary motor area, premotor cortex, insula, thalamus, putamen, and cerebellum are all part of the vocalization network (Brown et al., 2009, Parkinson et al., 2012 and Zarate and Zatorre, 2008). While all regions found in the cited works are contributors to vocalization and are important, we were unable to include all regions in our model as this would cause a loss in statistical power.