For the experimental process has a deliberate theoretical foundation, thus the mathematical analysis process can be founded and simplified, selleck catalog and this research also provides a new idea for following turbulence characteristic quantitative evaluation.AcknowledgmentsThe author acknowledges the funding of following science foundation: National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 51205073, No. 51275100), China Postdoctoral Science Foundation funded project (No. 2012M510197), Foundation for Distinguished Young Talents in Higher Education of Guangdong, China (No. LYM09110), the science and technology project of Guangzhou city (No. 2012J4100053, 12C42011566), the Research Project of Guangzhou Municipal University (No.
10A068), and Foundation Project of NationalEngineering Research Center of Near-Net-Shape Formingfor Metallic Materials, South China University of Technology (No. 2012007) is also appreciated for supporting this work. We also want to thank the editors for their hard work and the referees for their comments and suggestions to improve this paper.
The lateral transpsoas approach for anterior lumbar interbody fusion (extreme lateral interbody fusion (XLIF)) was developed as a less-invasive alternative to conventional anterior and posterior approaches for interbody fusion [1]. Similar to anterior exposures for lumbar interbody fusion, the lateral approach allows for placement of a wide footprint intervertebral cage with wide apertures to provide superior anterior column realignment [2, 3] as well as a healthy fusion environment [4], without anterior and posterior longitudinal ligament (ALL and PLL) resection.
In addition, the lateral approach mitigates many of the risks more common to traditional approaches, namely, vascular and visceral risks associated with anterior approaches [5�C8] and the neural complications and bony resection common to posterior approaches [9, 10]. However, safe passage through the psoas muscle requires neuromonitoring to identify the nerves of the lumbar plexus, the injury of which represents a significant risk of the approach. Since the introduction of the approach in the literature in 2006 [1], the procedure has increased in popularity, and reports of safety and outcome continue to be needed to fully validate the approach, especially during early cases of a new approach where a learning curve may be present [11, 12]. The purpose of this study was to examine clinical and radiographic outcomes in the first thirty patients Anacetrapib treated with the XLIF approach by one surgeon in Melbourne, Australia. 2.