This effect is mediated by TNF a and ERK 1 2 activation via phosphorylation of BAD. Together, our data reveal a novel mechanism for the development of ischemic tolerance and suggest that treatment with sub lethal concentrations of TWEAK may be an effective strategy to induce tolerance in the brain of ischemic stroke patients. Methods Animals and reagents Murine selleck U0126 strains were TWEAK deficient and Fn14 deficient mice, and TNF a deficient mice and their wild type littermate controls on a C57BL 6 J genetic background. Other reagents were recombinant TWEAK, the 3 2,5 diphenyltetra zolium bromide assay and the lactate dehydrogenase release assay, an ELISA kit for TNF a, antibodies against TNF a and TNFR1, ERK 1 2 phosphorylated at Thr202 Tyr204, total ERK 1 2 and BAD phosphorylated at Ser112, b actin, the Mitogen Activated Protein Kinase extracellular signal regulated kinase inhibitor SL327, wortmannin, the nuclear markers 4 6 diamidino 2 phe nylindole and triphenyltetrazolium chloride, and the ApopTag Plus Fluores cein In Situ Apoptosis Detection Kit.
Animal model of cerebral ischemia, in vivo model of preconditioning and quantification of the volume of the ischemic lesion Transient occlusion Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries of the middle cerebral artery was induced in TWEAK, Fn14 and TNF a mice and their corresponding Wt littermate controls with a 6 0 silk suture advanced from the external caro Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries tid artery into the internal carotid artery until the origin of the middle cerebral Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries artery, as described else where.
Briefly, animals were anesthetized with 4% chloral hydrate and a nylon monofilament Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries coated with silicone was introduced through the external carotid artery and advanced up to the origin of the MCA. The suture was withdrawn after 60 minutes of cerebral ischemia. Cerebral perfusion in the distribution of the MCA was monitored throughout the surgical procedure and after reperfusion with a laser Doppler, and only animals with a 70% decrease in cerebral perfu sion after occlusion and complete recovery after suture withdrawal were included in this study. The rectal and masseter muscle temperatures were controlled at 37 C with a homoeothermic Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries blanket. Heart rate, systolic, dia stolic and mean arterial blood pressures were controlled throughout the surgical procedure with an IITC 229 System. From the total number of mice used in this study, 13 were excluded due to incomplete reperfusion after tMCAO and eight died.
To induce ischemic tolerance, a subgroup of mice were intraperitoneally injected 24 hours before tMCAO with 0. 1 mL of TWEAK alone Belinostat ptcl or in combination with either the MEK inhibitor SL327 or a comparable volume of saline solution. To measure the volume of the ischemic lesion, animals were deeply anesthetized 24 hours after tMCAO, the brains were harvested, cut onto 2 um sections and stained with TTC.