In accord with our recent selleck catalog findings of COX 2 expression with EV71 infection in RBA 1 cells, these data sug gest that AP 1 activation by JEV infection is mediated through a c Src, PDGFR, and PI3KAkt pathway. Next, we investigated the roles of c Src, PDGFR, and PI3KAkt in MMP 9 expression in RBA 1 cells. Our results show that JEV infection stimulates phosphoryla Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries tion of PDGFR, which is attenuated by pretreatment with AG1296 and PP1. In addition, co immunoprecipi tation assays were performed Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries to ensure that protein levels of p PDGFR and p c Src time dependently increase in a c Src immunoprecipitated complex stimu lated by JEV infection, which was inhibited by pretreat ment with AG1296 or PP1. Moreover, several studies have reported that Akt is activated following stimulation of receptor tyrosine kinase by different stimuli.
In addition, in rat brain astrocyte cells or neural cells, PI3KAkt activation has been shown to be mediated through PDGFR transactivation. In this study, pretreatment of RBA 1 cells with AG1296 or PP1 inhib ited JEV stimulated Akt phosphorylation, indicating that activation of Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries PDGFR and c Src are required for this response. Apart from these, pretreatment with AG1296, PP1, or LY294002. or transfection with siRNA of PDGFR or Akt significantly inhibited JEV induced MMP 9 protein expression and mRNA accumulation. These data indicate that PI3KAkt activation is mediated through c Src dependent transactivation of PDGFR, which promotes AP 1 activation and eventually leads to MMP 9 expression with JEV infection of RBA 1 cells.
This result is consistent with recent Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries studies reporting that MMP 9 expression induced by IL 1b is mediated via activation of c SrcPDGFRPI3KAkt in various cell types. Previous studies have shown that AP 1 activation is also mediated through MAPKs signaling pathways by various factors in Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries various cell types. In addition, our previous study has shown that JEV infection induced MMP 9 expression is mediated via ROS p42p44 MAPK, p38 MAPK, and JNK12 in RBA 1 cells. Thus, we also investigated the roles of MAPKs in JEV induced AP 1 activation. Our results reveal that JEV infection induces expression of c Jun and c Fos, which are significantly inhibited by pretreatment with U0126, SP600125, or SB203580. These data indicate that JEV induced AP 1 activation is dependent on MAPKs in RBA 1 cells.
More over, the MAPKs signaling cascade can be activated by growth factors such as PDGF. Therefore, we exam ined whether MAPKs activation by Navitoclax molecular weight JEV infection is mediated through a c SrcPDGFRPI3KAkt pathway. In this study, pretreatment with AG1296, PP1, or LY294002 inhibited JEV stimulated phosphorylation of p42p44 MAPK, p38 MAPK, and JNK12, indicating that activa tion of c SrcPDGFRPI3KAkt pathway by JEV infection regulates MAPKs activation in RBA 1 cells.