The computational complexity of the method is evaluated in Section 4. In Section 5, simulation results are provided to verify the performance of the proposed algorithm. Finally, Section 6 concludes this paper.Notation:Scalars, column vectors, matrices and tensor are expressed by regular, bold lowercase, bold uppercase and bold calligraphic letters, respectively. [A]i,j and i,j,k stand for the (i,j) and (i,j, k) element of a matrix, A, and a tensor, . (?)H, (?)T, (?))?1 and (?)* denote the Hermitian transpose, transpose, inverse and complex conjugation without transposition, respectively. and denote the Kronecker operator and the Khatri-Rao product, respectively. diag(?) denotes the diagonalization operation, and arg(��) denotes the phase of ��.2.?Tensor Basics and Signal Model2.1.
Tensor BasicsFor the readers’ convenience, several tensor operations are introduced firstly, which refer to [15,16].Definition 1 (Matrix Unfolding):The three standard unfoldings of a third-order tensor, I��J��K, denoted by [](1) I��JK [](2) J��IK and [](3) K��IJ, can be expressed as [[](1)]i,(k?1)J+j = []i,j,k, [[](2)]j,(i?1)K+k = []i,j,k and [[](3)]k,(j?1)I+i = []i,j,k, respectively.Definition 2 (Mode-n Tensor-Matrix Product):The mode-n product of I1��I2����IN by a matrix, A Jn��In, is denoted by = ��nA, where I1��I2����In?1��Jn��In+1����IN and [Y]i1,i2,?,in?1,jn,jn+1,?,iN=��in=1In[X]i1,i2,?,in?1,in,in+1,?,iN?[A]jn,inDefinition 3 (The Properties of the Mode Product):The properties of the mode product are shown as follows:X��nA��mB=X��mB��nA,m��nX��nA��nB=X��n(BA)(1)[X��1A1��2A2��?��KAK](n)=An?[X](n)?[An+1?An+2??AK?A1??An?1]T(2)2.
2. Bistatic MIMO Radar Signal ModelConsider a narrowband bistatic MIMO radar system with M colocated antennas for the transmit array and N colocated antennas for the receive array, shown in Figure 1.Figure 1.Bistatic multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) radar scenario.Both the transmit array and receive array are uniform linear arrays (UALs), and the inter-element spaces of the transmit and receive arrays are half-wavelength. At the transmit array, the transmit antennas emit Anacetrapib the orthogonal waveforms S = [s1, s2, , sM]T M��K, where K is the number of samples per pulse period. All the targets are modeled as a point-scatterer in the far-field, and it is assumed that there are P uncorrelated targets in the same range-bin of interest. ��pp=1P and ��pp=1P are the DOD and DOA with respect to the transmit and receive array normal, respectively.