Our results suggest that candidates with low MELD scores have a significantly lower risk of dying after LDLT. To select appropriate selleck inhibitor candidates for LDLT, donor risk must be balanced by a reasonable chance of success in the recipient. To justify the risk incurred by the donor, timing of LT should be done to achieve the lowest post-LT mortality. Clinical features of 364 adult LDLT recipients Disclosures: The following people have nothing to disclose: Murat Dayangac, Murat Akyildiz, Necdet Guler, Levent Oklu, Yildiray Yuzer, Yaman Tokat Purpose: To determine the effectiveness
of percutaneous and endoscopic therapeutic interventions for biliary strictures and leaks following liver transplantation in children. Material and Methods: Retrospective analysis of 38 consecutive pediatric patients (18 girls, mean age at transplant 5.9 years)
treated at our institution from 1997 to 2010 for biliary leak and/or biliary stricture following liver transplantation (29 deceased donor liver transplants, 9 living related liver transplants) was performed. Six patients had a choledochocholedochostomy while the rest had a Roux-en-Y hepaticojejunostomy biliary anastomosis. Patients with a hepaticojejunostomy anastomosis were managed by a percutaneous approach (percutaneous tran-shepatic biliary drain placement followed by balloon dilation of the stricture), whereas endoscopic approach was feasible in 8 of the patients with choledochocholedochostomy. 32 patients had a stricture at the biliary anastomosis, while 6 patients had an anastomotic leak. Minimally invasive approach GDC-0980 was considered clinically successful if it resulted in patency of the narrowed biliary segment (<30% residual stenosis) and/or correction of the biliary
leak. Results: After an average of 9.1 years of follow-up, non-surgical management was clinically successful for 4 patients (67%) with a biliary leak and for 25 patients (78%) with a stricture. Surgical revision of the anastomosis was eventually required in 3 patients with a leak, and long-term clinical success was achieved in 3 patients (50%). For patients that had developed a biliary stricture, surgical revision was ultimately required MCE公司 in 14 patients, with 7 patients proceeding straight to surgery and 7 patients requiring surgical revision after recurrent stricture developed a median of 2.2 months of initial drain removal. Long-term clinical success was achieved in 18 patients (56%) with a biliary stricture. Patients that had long-term failure (n=14) were compared to patients with long-term success (n=18) and were found to have lower median age at transplantation (p=0.09), lower median age at stricture diagnosis (p=0.03), and had a choledochojejunostomy biliary anastomosis (p=0.05). Conclusions: Percutaneous and endoscopic management of biliary strictures and leaks after liver transplantation in children is associated with a durable result in approximately 50% of patients.