In sample 2, after 602 chilling hours, flower buds were proximate to dormancy release. At selleck chemical this point, some anthers had already entered microsporogenesis by initiating meiosis of pollen mother cells and tapetum vacuolation, whereas most of anthers remained inactive. In sample 3, a wide range of develop mental stages were observed, from dividing pollen mother cells to isolated microspores, with a high num ber of anthers showing postmeiotic tetrads surrounded by a callose wall and highly vacuolated tapetal cells. In sample 4, most of anthers contained vacuolated microspores and a degenerating tapetum, but one of the buds had also some tetrads. Finally, in sample 5, the tapetum had already disap peared and pollen grains were apparently fully mature.
Flower bud late genes were not significantly expressed in samples 1 and 5, thus they are expected to be involved in one or several processes occurring in samples 2 to 4, as meiotic and mitotic cell division, pollen maturation, synthesis and segregation of substances, and tapetum degener ation. Tapetal cells actively participate in the supply of simplified interpretation of these data would suggest the induction of A genes by one or several non clustered regulatory genes, and the successive expression of B genes induced by a hypothetical transcriptional factor activated or expressed concomitantly with A genes. However a better knowledge on the transcriptional networks affecting tapetum and pollen processes is required to ascertain the plausibility of this hypothesis.
essential compounds for pollen cells during most of the period covered by these samples and particularly are involved in the synthesis and deposition of sporopolle nin, a major component of the pollen cell wall exine. The exine may be identified as a blue light layer sur rounding the vacuolated microspores and pollen grains stained in Figures 6D E, but sporopollenin starts to accumulate earlier, in the tetrad stage. The temporal expression pattern of flower bud late genes, peaking in samples 3 and 4 in anthers, in addition to their protein sequence similarity to sporopollenin related genes of Arabidopsis, strongly suggest a role of some of these genes in sporopollenin synthesis and deposition, as detailed below.
Candidate genes for sporopollenin synthesis and deposition in peach Those genes having a putative ortholog in the sporo pollenin pathway of Arabidopsis and others showing LTP or GRP domains have been placed on a schematic picture depicting the hypothetical elements of this pathway in peach. The gene ppa016810m could have a similar role to Batimastat CYP703A2 in the hydroxylation of fatty acids . The gene ppa003797m codes for an acyl CoA synthetase similar to ACOS5, an early and essential function for the synthesis of sporopollenin in Arabidopsis.