In addition to MAP3K8, molecules that participate in phosphorylation signaling cascades e. g. P2RY14, LPAR3, PPP1R14A, and PTPRO suggest their potential role for initiation or regulation of differentiation cascades. Im portantly, the results presented here enable opportun ities for further data mining and follow up studies addressing the functions and importance of the novel Th subset specific genes. The identification of STAT6 as the most significant TF regulating Th2 specific enhancement of transcription by the TF binding analysis is well in line with our previ ous STAT6 ChIP results. Furthermore, the analysis between the predicted STAT6 target gene promoters and experimentally observed promoter associated binding sites showed statistically significant correlation.
Interestingly, the overlapping STAT6 targets included INO80, which has been identifies as a part of a chromatin remodeling com plex and may hence, be involved in Th2 specific epigenetical regulation of Th cell differentiation. STAT6 specific regulation of Mannosyl glycoprotein beta 1,2 N acetylglucosaminyltransferase, a N glycan processing enzyme, may on one hand be involved in modifying the Th2 cell specific surface glycoprotein structures. The overlapping target sites included also the promoter for SPINT2. The number of predicted STAT6 binding sites, however, was much lar ger than the experimentally observed binding sites, which may reflect the typically observed high false positive rate of computational binding predictions and the cell type specific state of chromatin as well as other competing factors affecting binding in vitro.
The data created here also further suggests novel control mechanisms involving GATA3 regulated NKX3A as well as chromatin modi fication associated CDP. Only less than 10% of the Th2 down regulated genes were reported to be direct targets of STAT6 by Elo et al. suggesting other major regulatory mechanisms play role among the IL 4 induced down regulated genes. We found enrichment of IRF fam ily and ISGF3 binding motifs in promoter regions of genes that are repressed in Th2 polarizing conditions, indicating that these TFs may play a significant role in the suppres sing undesired gene expression in differentiating Th2 cells. Indeed, several IRF family members have been identified as differentially expressed during Th cell differentiation and necessary for both Th1 and Th2 polarization.
As the IRF family proteins, excluding IRF1, share the same bin ding specificity model Cilengitide in TRANSFAC, the individual re gulatory role for these factors is, however, difficult to postulate based on in silico TF binding site analysis. Conclusions The proposed LIGAP method can quantify a well defined probabilistic specificity score for each gene and for each condition promoting a certain lineage commitment.