For a population of dipoles, integration of all rings up to a radius R
results in a compound amplitude σ(R)σ(R) which converges with increasing population size R toward a constant value σ∗σ∗ (solid blue curve in Figure 1D). For a population of monopoles, however, σ(R)σ(R) will grow unbounded (solid red curve in Figure 1D). If the single-cell contributions to the LFP potential are perfectly correlated, on the other hand, the total variance σr2 for neurons on a ring of radius r will be proportional to 2[N(r)f(r)][N(r)f(r)]2 (see Experimental Procedures). In this case, both the monopole and the dipole population exhibit diverging compound amplitudes σ(R)σ(R) with increasing Selleck Venetoclax population radius (dashed curves in Figure 1D). In Experimental Procedures, we derive a simplified model to describe σ(R)σ(R) and its dependence on the
shape of f(r)f(r) and the correlation cϕcϕ between single-neuron LFP contributions. In this framework, the potential ϕi(t)=ξi(t)f(ri)ϕi(t)=ξi(t)f(ri) generated by a single neuron i is assumed to factorize into a purely time-dependent part ξi(t)ξi(t) and a purely distance-dependent part f(ri)f(ri). Here, ξi(t)ξi(t) reflects the temporal structure of the total synaptic input onto the neuronal sources, while the shape function f(ri)f(ri) describes the amplitude of the LFP signal as a function of the cell position. This latter function is determined by the electrical and morphological properties of the neuron, as well as its position and orientation with respect to the electrode contact. The not distance ri denotes the radial distance of the cell from the electrode. The compound LFP amplitude σ(R)σ(R) from a homogeneous population of neurons around the electrode tip reads (cf. Experimental Procedures and Equation 6) equation(1) σ(R)=σξ(1−cϕ)g0(R)+cϕg1(R). Here σξ is the amplitude (standard
deviation) of the synaptic input current, and the two functions equation(2) g0(R)=∫0RdrN(r)f(r)2andg1(R)=(∫0RdrN(r)f(r))2describe the competition between f (r ) and N(r)=2πrρN(r)=2πrρ for the uncorrelated and correlated case, respectively (see Equation 7). To further demonstrate that the convergence of σ(R)σ(R) essentially is determined by f (r ) and the correlation cϕcϕ, we summarize in Table 1 the results for when the shape function follows a power-law, f(r)∼1/rγf(r)∼1/rγ, (see Experimental Procedures and Equation 9). In the presence of spatially homogeneous correlations, we observe that σ(R)σ(R) approaches a finite value for increasing R only for decay exponents γ>2γ>2. To determine f(r), i.e.