After 1–3 days, animals were perfused, and successful injections confirmed by fluorescent stereomicroscopy. Confocal image stacks were examined for colocalization between eGFP-labeled neurons and anterogradely labeled retinal and cortical axons using ImageJ (NIH). Only pixels exceeding a fixed intensity threshold were used to identify colocalization. This threshold was empirically
determined by evaluation of the threshold required to discriminate in-focus from out-of-focus fluorescence, and was set at 5.5 SD above the mean pixel intensity. Confocal z series encompassing the neuron were batch processed for colocalized pixels using an automated ImageJ algorithm. The density and localization of the overlapped Selleck NLG919 pixels on dendritic branches of individual neurons was measured in Softworx, using the original neuronal image stack overlapped with a binary image stack of the colocalized pixels (Supplemental Experimental Procedures). Small Gelfoam threads (Pharmacia) were soaked
in saturated DiIC18 (Molecular Probes, Invitrogen) in dimethylformamide (DMF) and dried overnight. Individual strands were inserted in V1 under the pia. Two to three days later, confocal images were selleck inhibitor collected throughout the depth of each parasagittal section and the A-P axis with a 40×/1.30 NA oil-immersion objective (Nikon) or a 20×/0.75 NA air lens (1.5 μm z step). Blind, 3D single-arbor reconstructions of the portion of the axon contained in each section was done in Neurolucida (MicroBrightField) by creating a high resolution montage of the entire A-P axis. Discrete cortical axons were PD184352 (CI-1040) traced caudally from the brachium of the sSC. Branches that exited the slice were marked and terminals with major branches leaving the section were discarded. For quantitative analysis, a 40 μm ×40 μm grid overlay was placed over 100 μm-deep image stacks,
yielding 160 mm3 volumes of tissue for analysis of labeled processes in every fourth volume along the A-P axis using Neurolucida. Whole-cell recordings were from the deep SGS of C57BL/6 mouse SC in acute parasagittal slices as described (Lu and Constantine-Paton, 2004) following Hestrin (1992) (see Supplemental Experimental Procedures for details). Recorded neurons were selected under IR-DIC based on their position in the intermediate portion of the SGS, with vertically oriented or pear-shaped somas and dorsally oriented, vertical proximal dendrites. These criteria correctly identified DOV neurons as confirmed by inclusion of Alexa 488 hydrazide (Invitrogen) in the intracellular solution. Cortical lesion experiments were conducted on a different electrophysiology set-up than other experiments. To avoid bias, sham experiments were conducted on littermates using the same equipment, and the lesion group was statistically compared only to sham-operated animals. Event data was exported to MATLAB for model-based analysis (Supplemental Experimental Procedures). Procedures for recording were previously described (Colonnese et al.