16 This differential diagnosis is relevant, since the corticoster

16 This differential diagnosis is relevant, since the corticosteroid dose may need to be increased. The differential diagnoses of PSEs are summarized in Table II. History and chronology of drug administration are first-line tools to diagnose a PSE. As already mentioned, an anamnesis with a positive exposure, positive Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical dechallenge, and positive rechallenge, indicates a high probability of a causal link between a psychiatric sign and a prescribed medication. Table II. Differential diagnoses of psychiatric side effects (PSEs) of medications. A PSE can differ from a spontaneous psychiatric syndrome in duration, since the duration of the PSE is more linked

to the presence or withdrawal of the offending agent. Once the incriminated treatment is interrupted, behavioral symptoms usually remit within days to weeks, Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical depending on the half-life of the substance or the presence of a withdrawal syndrome. In complex cases of polypharmacy, if the chronology of medication cannot help determine which medication caused the side effect, a trial could be done by replacing one of the suspected drugs by another with

a lesser risk of PSEs. Another issue about Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical chronology concerns what can occur after interruption of treatment. This can be illustrated by the case of an elderly male patient, who took St John’s wort for 4 months, with partial improvement of his Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical depression. The dose was gradually increased, but without a BYL719 datasheet complete remission of the depression. Travel to an endemic zone of malaria was planned and mefloquine prophylaxis was introduced. No side effect occurred during the first 10 days, until the clinician decided to replace St John’s wort by Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical citalopram, without changes in the mefloquine prophylaxis. The patient rapidly developed hallucinations

after the introduction of citalopram. He had no mental status changes when he received St John’s wort and mefloquine, so the clinician stopped citalopram. The hallucinations persisted. When mefloquine was discontinued, the hallucinations remitted. The message is that even the interruption of a drug can lead to an increase in the plasma concentrations of another drug, causing side effects. St John’s wort Induces mefloquine metabolism, which means Cell press that, In this case, mefloquine concentrations were lower while St John’s wort was given. Hallucinations are known side effects of mefloquine. To improve the detection of PSEs, the physician should look for the anamnestic key factors listed below: Dates of occurrence of psychiatric symptoms suspected of being side effects. Dates of medication exposure, dechallenge, and rechallenge. Previous psychiatric history. If polypharmacy is given, dates of Introduction or discontinuation of other drugs.

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