Physical examination His initial examination revealed a chronical

Physical examination His initial examination revealed a chronically ill appearing male who required assistance for all of his activities of daily living. He was afebrile with an unremarkable general physical examination. He was fully oriented; however, his speech was extremely dysarthric. There was no evidence of aphasia. His pupils were equal but minimally reactive. He had a complete vertical gaze palsy and partial horizontal gaze impairment to both smooth pursuit and saccades. These could be overcome by oculovestibular maneuvers. Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical Visual fields were intact to confrontation. He had facial diplegia and myoclonus of the face was noted, although it was not labeled

as oculomasticatory myorhythmia (OM) because eye movements were not specifically examined for this. He had intact facial sensation. On motor examination, he had symmetric diffuse 4/5 strength except for 3/5 strength in the bilateral iliopsoas muscles. He had a head drop which he was unable to voluntarily overcome. His tone was mildly increased throughout the bilateral upper and Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical lower extremities, and axial rigidity Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical was present as well. There was diffuse atrophy, particularly of the hand intrinsic muscles. Myoclonus was also seen in all extremities. His sensory examination was normal to all modalities. Reflexes were normal in the upper extremities but hyperactive in the lower extremities. Dysmetria was present

in the upper extremities, and he had truncal ataxia when he sat up in bed. Upon standing, he

had extreme stooping of posture, and his gait was slow and unsteady, requiring constant assistance. Investigations MRI of the brain performed on day 1 of admission was unremarkable except for mild diffuse atrophy, and specifically, there were no abnormal Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical hyperintense or contrast-enhancing lesions (Fig. 1). Two EEG’s were performed, both of which showed mild–moderate diffuse slowing. Routine cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) studies were normal except for a slightly elevated protein. Due to the rapidly progressive dementia, CSF 14-3-3 protein was sent. Needle electromyography Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical (EMG) demonstrated acute and chronic denervation in the upper and lower extremities. Laboratory studies for paraneoplastic antibodies were negative, and CT of the chest, abdomen, and pelvis was unrevealing for a primary all neoplasm. Neuropsychological testing revealed a dementia with multiple domains affected, most prominently in executive function and language processing. Figure 1 MRI images obtained on admission. (A) Axial FLAIR image that is unremarkable, buy KRX-0401 without any significant hyperintensities. (B) Axial T1-weighted postcontrast image that is unremarkable, showing no abnormal areas of enhancement. Clinical course The patient was given trials of carbidopa/levodopa, clonazepam, and ropinirole with only minimal improvement in his jerking. Over the 2-week hospital stay, he became progressively weak to the point where he was bedbound.

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