Zhang et al investigated the quantum

Zhang et al. investigated the quantum properties of two-dimensional electronic circuits which have no power source [4]. The quantum behavior of charges and currents for an LC circuit [5] and a resistor-inductor-capacitor (RLC) linear circuit [3] driven by a power source have been studied by several Barasertib cost researchers. If a circuit contains resistance, the electronic energy of the system dissipates with time. In this case, the system is described by a time-dependent Hamiltonian. Another

example of the systems described by time-dependent Hamiltonian is electronic circuits driven by time-varying power sources. The quantum problem of time-dependent Hamiltonian systems attracted great concern in the community of theoretical physics and chemistry for several decades [4, 6, 7]. The study of electronic characteristics of charge carriers in nanoelectronic circuits is basically pertained to a physical problem. There are plentiful reports associated with the physical properties of miniaturized two-loop (or two-dimensional) circuits [8–12] and more high multi-loop circuits [13–16] including their diverse variants. Various applications which use two-loop circuits include a switch-level resistor-capacitor (RC) model of an n-transistor (see Figure 3 of [8]), a design of a prototype of current-mode leapfrog www.selleckchem.com/products/ink128.html ladder filters (Sect. 3 of [9]), and a port-Hamiltonian system [10],

whereas higher loop circuits can be used as a transmission line model for multiwall carbon nanotube [13] and a filter circuit for electronic signals (Sect. 5 of [15]). In this paper, we derive quantum solutions Tacrolimus (FK506) of a two-dimensional circuit coupled via RL 3-Methyladenine molecular weight and investigate its displaced squeezed number state (DSN) [17]. We suppose that the system is composed of nanoscale elements and driven by a time-varying power

source. The unitary transformation method which is very useful when treating time-dependent Hamiltonian systems in cases like this will be used. We can obtain the wave functions of DSN by first applying the squeezing operator in those of the number state and then applying the unitary displacement operator. Under displaced quantum states of circuit electrodynamics, conducting charges (or currents) exhibit collective classical-like oscillation. The fluctuations and uncertainty relations for charges and currents will be evaluated in the DSN without approximation. Displaced squeezed number states, which are the main topic in this work, belong to nonclassical states that have been objects of many investigations. The statistical properties of these states exhibit several pure quantum effects which have no classical analogues, including the interference in the phase space [18], the revival/collapse phenomenon [19], and sub-Poissonian statistics [20]. The position representation of these states with overall phases is derived by Moller et al. for the simple harmonic oscillator by employing geometric operations in phase space [17].

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