To further confirm the relationship between MEK/ERK signalling pathway and TSP1 function on the contractile ability of fibroblasts, normal fibroblasts were treated for 24 h with or without TGFb in the presence or absence of SB431542, U0126 or IFNb prior to performing a floating gel contraction inhibitor Lenalidomide assay. A floating collagen gel contraction assay was used to show that TGFb induced contractile ability was significantly reduced by IFNb as well as SB431542 and U0126. Following floating gel contraction, the fibroblasts in floating gel samples were analysed by western blot. Our results showed that TGFb induced TSP1 expression was inhibited by SB431542, U0126 or IFNb. It is interesting to note that TGFb induced p ERK activation also was inhibited by SB431542 and IFNb.
PDGF can markedly potentiate tissue repair in vivo and also may stimulate cells to express growth factors such as TGFb. The expression of TSP1 in vitro can be induced by platelet derived growth factor. Therefore, normal fibroblasts were also treated with PDGF or the PDGF receptor inhibitor Gleevec prior to conduct ing collagen gel contraction assays. We found that PDGF induced contractile ability, ERK phosphorylation and TSP1 expression in a Gleevec sensitive fashion. Moreover, reverse transcription PCR analysis of mRNAs extracted from fibroblasts subjected to ECM con traction revealed that the TSP1 mRNA levels were altered in a manner paralleling our TSP1 protein analyses. All these results indicated that TSP1 is induced during PDGF mediated and TGFb mediated matrix contraction by normal fibroblasts.
Overexpression of TSP1 in SSc fibroblasts is due to endogenous TGFb and PDGF via a MEK/ERK dependent mechanism Our previous work showed that TGFb receptor type I and MEK/ERK contribute to the elevated contractile abilities of SSc fibroblasts. Therefore, we wanted to further clarify whether the overexpression of TSP1 in SSc fibroblasts is impacted by blocking endo genous TGFb and PDGF signalling, SSc lesional fibro blasts were treated overnight with SB431542, U0126 or IFNb. TSP1 pro tein and mRNA expression were assayed with western blotting and RT PCR. Our results showed that mRNA and protein Brefeldin_A expression of TSP1 in SSc fibroblasts were inhibited by antagonists of ALK5 and MEK, as well as IFNb. SSc fibroblasts treated with Gleevec also showed reduced TSP1 mRNA and protein.
Collec tively, these results indicated that the enhanced contrac tile ability of SSc dermal fibroblasts depends on TSP1 induction downstream of endogenous TGFb and PDGF through MEK/ERK. Moreover, our data provide clear evidence that TSP1 plays a key role in mediating the fibrotic phenotype observed in SSc. Discussion The contraction processes in wound and fibrotic tissue mainly depend on a specialised form of fibroblasts known as myofibroblasts, which express the procontrac tile protein a SMA.