Thus it may be possible to determine relationships of

Thus it may be possible to determine relationships of isolates if more genes are sequenced. The origin of Malay H. pylori The Malay

H. pylori population did not form a group of its own. The majority (nine of the 16 isolates studied) belong to the same group as the Indian isolates. Clearly the Malay isolates share the same origin MEK inhibitor as the Indian isolates. This conclusion has a number of implications for the origin of the Malay people and Malay H. pylori. Previous studies have shown that H. pylori follows the human route of migration and reflects human ancestry. However there is no evidence that ancestral Malays migrated from India. Currently there are two theories for the origins of Malay [28], one being of Southeast Asian origin, specifically sharing common ancestry with the Thais, the Laotians and the Cambodians while the other of Southern China origin through migration to Taiwan, then outwards to the Philippines, Borneo, Indonesia and

Malaysia. The latter theory is supported by language origins while the former is supported by genetic evidence [28]. Neither supports Malays sharing direct common ancestry with Indians. Therefore for the Malay population, the ancestry of H. pylori does not reflect human ancestry as in other populations. This raises the question as to what happened with the original Malay H. pylori since the human population undoubtedly carried the bacterium LY3009104 supplier before migrating out of Africa. Studies showed that the H. pylori infection rate in the Malay population is much lower than that in the Indian population [22]. It is therefore likely that

the Malay population was initially free of H. pylori and that the H. pylori in the current Malay population has only recently been acquired from the Malaysian Indian community. It is possible that the Malay population lost its original H. pylori [29]. However loss of H. pylori in modern populations is associated with improved Reverse transcriptase living standards and this would be unlikely to be a plausible explanation for the initial loss of H. pylori in the Malay population. While the Indian and Chinese populations have a small percentage of isolates from populations other than their ancestral populations (ie hspIndia and hspEAsia respectively), the Malay population has a much higher proportion of isolates (7 of the 16 isolates studied, 43.75%) from populations other than hspIndia (see discussion below). This adds support to the hypothesis that the Malay population was initially free from H. pylori and that these isolates were directly imported from other populations recently. The higher proportion of Malay isolates from the Indian population than from the Chinese population suggests that there has been greater direct interaction SCH727965 nmr between the Malay and Indian populations than between the Malay and Chinese populations.

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