These results were confirmed in vitro on primary hepatocytes treated with ALA ( Figure 3D−F; Supplementary Material). These data indicate that FLVCR1a-mediated heme export function is strictly associated with heme synthesis. In the liver, most of the newly synthesized heme is committed to CYP synthesis. To test whether FLVCR1a function is linked to heme synthesis stimulation on cytochromes induction, we treated our mice with inducers of 3 distinct classes of CYPs. Firstly, we injected mice with dexamethasone,
an inducer of CYP3A. Dexamethasone treatment caused an increase in heme content in the liver of Flvcr1afl/fl;alb-cre mice, that was almost negligible in Flvcr1afl/fl counterpart ( Figure 4A). This effect was abrogated by co-treatment with the inhibitor
of heme biosynthesis, succinylacetone ( Figure 4A). As a consequence of heme accumulation, a higher amount of lipid peroxides was generated on dexamethasone treatment 3-Methyladenine clinical trial Doxorubicin molecular weight in the liver of Flvcr1afl/fl;alb-cre mice compared with Flvcr1afl/fl mice ( Figure 4B). The analysis of gene expression demonstrated that Flvcr1a was induced in the liver of Flvcr1afl/fl mice after dexamethasone treatment, as occurred on ALA treatment ( Figure 4C). On the other hand, the heme-, iron-, and stress-related genes were induced to a higher extent in the liver of dexamethasone-treated Flvcr1afl/fl;alb-cre mice compared with the Flvcr1afl/fl counterpart ( Figure 4C–E), suggesting that the higher induction of these genes compensated for the lack of Flvcr1a. In addition, genes involved in heme biosynthesis, such as Alas-1, Flvcr1b, and Tfr1, were found to be significantly less expressed in Flvcr1afl/fl;alb-cre mice compared with Flvcr1afl/fl mice after dexamethasone treatment ( Figure 4F). Similar results were obtained when mice were treated with benzo(a)pyrene (Be[a]P), an inducer of CYP1A1 and CYP1A2 (Figure 5, Supplementary Figure 6), and imidazole, an inducer of CYP2E1 (Supplementary Results; Supplementary Figure 7).
Because the induction of Alas1 Clostridium perfringens alpha toxin 8h after Be(a)P injection was comparable in Flvcr1afl/fl;alb-cre and Flvcr1afl/fl ( Supplementary Figure 8), the difference found at 16 hours post injection likely indicates that the heme biosynthetic pathway was switched off earlier in Flvcr1a-deleted mice than in its wild-type counterparts, as an attempt to compensate for the excess of heme accumulated in the liver. Collectively, these data indicate that FLVCR1a-mediated heme export is associated with CYP induction. In the previous section, we showed that Ho-1 and Alas1 mRNA levels were higher and lower, respectively, in the liver of dexamethasone-, Be(a)P-, or imidazole- treated Flvcr1afl/fl;alb-cre compared with Flvcr1afl/fl mice, suggesting that heme degradation is increased and heme synthesis is inhibited when FLVCR1a-mediated heme export is blocked.