These groups were chosen because triptans are not registered in t

These groups were chosen because triptans are not registered in the Netherlands for patients below the age of 12. This study met the criteria for an exemption for approval by the medical ethical committee. Migraine was this website diagnosed according to the ICDH- II criteria.[10] Most patients in this study were registered in

the following categories: migraine without aura, migraine with aura, childhood periodic syndromes, and probable migraine. If patients suffered from headaches other than migraine, but migraine was the main reason for referral, the migraine was considered their primary headache. Data were collected retrospectively. The hospital records of all patients who met our inclusion criteria were obtained. To obtain additional information from Wnt activation the patients who visited the regular outpatient department or headache clinic, a detailed questionnaire was presented to all included patients or their parents in December 2011. This paper-and-pencil questionnaire inquired about the characteristics of the migraine attacks and their medication status prior to referral. In January and February

2012, non-responders received 2 phone calls as a reminder to complete the questionnaire. Patients who did not return the questionnaire were not excluded from this study. Their missing data have been reported as missing. The DCGP guideline about headache contains a section on migraine in patients younger than 18 years. It recommends inactivity and acetaminophen for the acute treatment of migraine in this specific group of patients as mentioned in the Figure. If symptoms are severe or the frequency of migraine attacks is at least twice a month,

referral to a neurologist or pediatrician is recommended. Prophylactic treatment should be prescribed by a neurologist or pediatrician.[6] SPSS for Windows version 20.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA) was used for statistical analyses and P < .05 was considered to be statistically significant. The Fisher's exact test was used for ordinal parameters and the Mann-Whitney U-test for continuous parameters. Missing data were excluded in the statistical analyses. A total of 349 patients younger than 18 years were registered in the DTC for migraine during the 5.5-year Ixazomib price period of this study. Of these patients, 223 met the inclusion criteria and 126 patients were excluded: 100 did not meet the ICHD-II criteria for migraine; in 22 patients, it was not the first visit to a neurologist for headache or migraine and 4 patients were admitted to the hospital or seen at the emergency ward at the time of consultation. Hospital records of all 223 patients were available. The questionnaire was returned by 152 out of the 223 included patients (68.6%). All 223 patients were included in the analyses. Demographic characteristics and headache diagnoses are presented in Table 1. The participants age ranged from 4.3 to 17.8 years, with a mean age of 12.8 years.

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