Therefore, rs13181 has been studied for its role in various cance

Therefore, rs13181 has been studied for its role in various cancers as potential susceptibility factors [23, 27, 31, 34–48], although no such report is available on the north Indian subpopulation cluster for the risks of SCCHN or Breast cancer. In the present study, genetic association of the nonsynonymous SNP rs13181 with the risks of Breast cancer and Squamous Cell Carcinomas of the Head

and Neck (SCCHN) was analysed using Polymerase Chain Reaction followed by Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) in a subpopulation cluster-matched (Indo-European linguistic subgroup + Caucasoid morphological subtype) case-control based study among north Indians. Materials and methods Case and control sample collection Blood samples (2 ml each) were collected following written informed consent

from 168 Breast cancer patients and 285 SCCHN patients, following histopathological and cytological confirmation, from different parts of north India undergoing treatment at Lucknow Cancer Institute (LCI) and Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences (SGPGIMS) between September, 2005 and June, 2008. 400 (173 males and 227 females) unrelated ethnically-matched (linguistic and morphological subpopulation clusters) cancer-free blood donors from the north Indian states of Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand were included in the current study as healthy normal controls for cancer association studies. All the subjects inducted in this study belonged specifically to the Caucasoid morphological subtype [49] and Indo-European linguistic group [50] of north India. A questionnaire was filled by each subject providing information on gender, KU-57788 price addiction (smoking, tobacco chewing, pan masala), race, ethnicity,

education, religion, marital status, first-degree family history, history of benign disease, menopausal status (for women), second etc. Information on tumour subtype, ER-PR status (for breast cancer patients), grading and stage of disease were obtained from medical records of the patients. All Breast cancer patients were non-smokers. The study was approved by Institutional Medical Ethics Committee of Central Drug Research Institute (CDRI). DNA Isolation from cancer samples DNA was isolated from blood samples of SCCHN and Breast cancer cases and controls using QIAamp DNA Blood Midikit (Qiagen Inc.) following manufacturer’s protocol, quantitated using spectrophotometer (Genequant pro, Amersham Biosciences) and stored at -20°C. Primer Designing and synthesis Reference sequence of the gene ERCC2 and information on coding regions (CDS) were retrieved from NCBI’s (National Center for Biotechnology Information) sequence databases. The primers 5′ CCCCCTCTCCCTTTCCTCTGTTC 3′ (Forward Primer) and 5′ GGACCTGAGCCCCCACTAACG 3′ (Reverse Primer) were designed for the present study on the SNP rs13181 (ERCC2) using PrimerSelect module of Lasergene v6.0 software (DNAStar). The primer sequences were verified using NCBI BLAST http://​blast.​ncbi.​nlm.​nih.​gov/​Blast.

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