Therefore, IL 1B promoted GA cell migration and invasion are regulated by p38, but not by JNK. In summary, we have identified for the first time that IL 1B is functionally involved in the regulation of metasta sis in GA via activation of p38. This molecular mechanism involves p38 mediated AP 1 dependent upregulation of both MMP2 and MMP9. selleck inhibitor and this study strongly suggests that the IL 1B p38 AP 1 MMP2 MMP9 pathway may be closely related to metastasis in GA, and thera peutic strategies targeting this pathway may enhance the survival of patients with GA. Methods Patients and tissue samples The paraffin embedded blocks from 105 patients with resectable GA who underwent surgery between 2003 and 2005, and pair normal gastric tissues from the same patients were obtained from Fuzhou General Hospital.
All of the GA tissue samples chosen in this study were from patients underwent curative gastrec tomy with lymph node dissection without surgery related major or serious complications. TNM stages, histological type, and grade of differentiation were identified by several pathologists according to the standards established by NCNN guideline 2011, and no previous benign disease was identified in the samples from patients with metas tasis. GA patients were aged 32 84 years old. There were 97 cases with available data of T stage, T1, T2, T3 and T4. The tissue samples were used with the consent of the patients. This study was approved by the Ethics Committee of Fuzhou General Hospital.
Immunohistochemistry for phospho p38, IL 1B, MMP 2 and 9, and c fos To detect the e pression of p p38 in the 105 cases of GA tissues and in nude mice lung metastasic gatric cancer by immunohistochemistry, we used pre viously described methods, with the use of a specific anti p p38 antibody. The assessed standards for staining results were also the same as our previously described for p Akt2. Statistical signifi cance was analyzed by the Wilco on signed rank test, Chi square test, and the Fishers e act test. To assess the level of IL 1B, MMP 2 and 9, and c fos in the tissues mention above by IHC, we also used the same previous method. Anti MMP 2 and MMP9, and c fos antibodies used for IHC were 1 250, 1 200 and 1 200 dilution, respectively, and they were from Abcam, Anti IL 1B antibody was from Santa Cruz and was diluted 1 100 before use. Spearmans method was used to analyze the correlation in e pression levels of p p38 with IL 1B, MMP 2 and 9, and c fos in GA tissue. Cell culture and transfection with siRNA Cell culture and transfection with siRNA were performed in accord with the methods described by us previously. AGS or MKN 45 cells were grown in Anacetrapib F12 or DMEM medium containing 10% fetal bovine serum at 37 C in an incubator containing 5% CO2.