The quantification of the Western blot, based on the ratio of the P GSK3B selleck chemical Dorsomorphin and P AKT levels to the B Actin levels, showed that the sevoflurane treatment of sevoflurane treatment in H4 cells and different exposures of sevoflurane anesthesia in mice could lead to varying effects on the levels of P GSK3B and P AKT. Discussion Sevoflurane is the most commonly used anesthetic in chil dren. Sevoflurane has been shown to induce apoptosis, increase B amyloid protein levels and neuroin flammation, leading to cognitive impairment in young mice. Specifically, anesthesia with 3% sevoflurane two hours daily for three days induces neuroinflammation and cognitive impairment, while anesthesia with 3% sevo flurane two hours daily for one day does not.
Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries These data suggested that anesthetic sevoflurane might cause dual effects on neurotoxicity and cognitive function. However, whether sevoflurane Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries anesthesia can induce Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries dual effects on AKTGSK3B signaling pathway remains to be determined. We first found that anesthesia with 3% sevoflurane two hours daily for one day increased the levels of P GSK3B and P AKT. These data indicated that the single exposure to sevoflurane might enhance the activation of the AKTGSK3B signaling pathway. However, the anesthesia with 3% sevoflurane two hours daily for three days reduced the levels of P GSK3B and P AKT. These re sults showed that the multiple exposures to sevoflurane decreased the activation of the AKTGSK3B signaling pathway. These findings suggested that single and multiple exposures with sevoflurane anesthesia could increase and decrease the activation of AKTGSK3B signaling pathway, respectively, potential dual effects of sevoflur ane on the AKTGSK3B signaling pathway.
The future studies might include a different anesthesia regimen to further test this hypothesis. Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries We would assess whether anesthesia with 3% sevoflurane two hours weekly for one or three weeks might have different effects on the AKT GSK3B signaling pathway as well as other behavioral and brain biochemistry changes. Such a difference could result from single versus mul tiple exposures to sevoflurane or from shorter versus longer durations of anesthesia. Anesthetizing young mice with 3% sevoflurane for six hours could lead to a high mortality rate. Therefore, H4 cells were used to assess the potential difference of short versus long duration of sevoflurane anesthesia on the levels of P GSK3B and P AKT.
We were able to show that the treatment with 4% sevoflurane for two hours increased, but the treatment with 4% sevoflurane for six hours decreased, the levels These data showed the potential dual effects of sevoflurane in H4 cells Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries and that a short duration of sevoflurane anesthesia increased the activation of the AKTGSK3B signaling pathway, but a long duration of sevoflurane anesthesia decreased it. Phosphorylation at serine 9 of GSK3B inhibits the ac tivity of GSK3B.