The quality and relevance of items is a very important factor in

The quality and relevance of items is a very important factor in the success of functional outcome measures in children with SCI. Particularly with a CAT, in which a limited number of items are administered to each individual, the choice and clarity of items is critical to the performance of CAT. As a direct response to the void of an appropriate outcomes instrument for use with children with SCI, we have developed large item pools to evaluate activity performance and participation. These item pools will be further assessed and eventually be tested by getting responses to the items from a large sample of children and parents. Once tested, a final set of items (item banks) will be assembled for use in the CAT [24].

Our effort in development of item banks for eventual CAT platforms represents unique contributions to the field of pediatric SCI rehabilitation and measurement in two ways. First, our items are specific to SCI and have been designed to evaluate actual activity performance and participation at home, school, and the community environments. Secondly, we have established items and written response scales to obtain both parent and child reported outcomes. In this way, we plan to contribute a parent and child reported outcome measure of activity performance and participation for children with SCI that uses 21st century CAT technology thereby minimizing response burden but providing precision in measurement. The purpose of this paper is twofold: to describe the process by which two item pools used to evaluate activity performance and participation among children with SCI were developed and to introduce the resultant items specific to pediatric SCI.

2. Methods The development of the item pools began by agreeing on the conceptual definitions for two constructs, activity performance and participation. Activity performance is defined as children’s execution of complex functions; these functions represent specific tasks that can be done in isolation of others or with others. Activity considers ease, level of independence, and quality of execution of specific tasks. It represents the individual perspective of function. Participation is defined as children’s involvement in life situations across physical, social, spiritual, and virtual environments including home, school, and community.

Brefeldin_A The conceptualization and definitions of the constructs are consistent with those of the World Health Organization [25], The Washington Group on Disability Statistics [26], the ICF Model [27], the conceptual model of the disability creation process [28], the conceptual model described by King et al. [29], and the Commission on Practice, Occupational Therapy Practice Framework [30]. An underlying assumption of the constructs is that capability and capacity for activity inform (but do not fully predict) participation. Limitations in activity performance place one at a disadvantage for participation.

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