The overall concordance of RNA GTT with PTT was 82% (at FPR 10%)

The overall concordance of RNA GTT with PTT was 82% (at FPR 10%) and 83% (at FPR 5%). The overall concordance of DNA GTT with PTT was 85% (at both 10 and 5% FPRs). GTT produced highly concordant tropism predictions for proviral DNA and plasma RNA. GTT on proviral DNA offers a promising approach for tropism prediction in clinical practice, particularly for the assessment of treated patients with low or suppressed viraemia. Chemokine (C-C motif) receptor 5 (CCR5) antagonists, check details members of the class of HIV-1

entry inhibitors, selectively inhibit the replication of CCR5-using (R5) viral strains. Before introducing a CCR5 antagonist as a component of antiretroviral therapy (ART), coreceptor usage, or viral tropism, must be determined to exclude the possibility of the presence of chemokine (C-X-C motif) receptor 4 (CXCR4)-using (X4) strains, as these are associated with poor virological response to the drug [1]. The output of the earliest HIV-1 phenotypic tropism testing (PTT) assay was the formation of syncytia in cultured MT2 cells after virus inoculation. This assay is less well suited for use in routine clinical practice because of inherent difficulties with standardization. More recent PTT assays use recombinant viruses containing the patient-derived viral envelope to infect indicator cells that express

the CD4 receptor with either the CCR5 or CXCR4 coreceptor [2,3]. Recombinant assays are reproducible, but also time-consuming, labour-intensive, technically demanding and expensive. The most broadly used recombinant

PTT assay is the commercial Trofile™ PFT�� supplier developed by Monogram (San Francisco, CA, USA), which was used to screen patients in clinical trials of CCR5 antagonists. In 2008, the original Trofile™ assay (OTA) was superseded by the enhanced sensitivity Trofile™ assay (ESTA), which showed increased sensitivity for detecting CXCR4-using strains within predetermined clonal mixtures. Both OTA and ESTA require a minimal viral load of 1000 HIV-1 RNA Clomifene copies/mL for reliable performance. Genotypic tropism testing (GTT) has recently been proposed as an alternative to PTT (reviewed in [4] and [5]). GTT is based on analysis of the V3-loop sequence of the HIV-1 envelope (env) gene using bioinformatic prediction models to deduce coreceptor usage. GTT has the advantage of being less technically demanding, more rapid and less expensive than PTT, thereby meeting today’s need for a fast and reliable assay for routine diagnostic practice. GTT suffers, however, from the limited sensitivity for detecting minority viral species that is intrinsic to conventional Sanger sequencing methods. As X4 or X4/R5 dual tropic (D) viruses most often occur together with R5 strains, forming mixed quasispecies (M), they may remain undetected when they represent <10–25% of the total viral population [6–8].

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