The distributions of radiances Lwnav (555) and Lwnav (670) at φ =

The distributions of radiances Lwnav (555) and Lwnav (670) at φ = 180° and φ = 0°, blowing parallel to the shore, demonstrate that both radiances gradually attenuate with distance from the shore ( Figure 7, (a)–(d)) as in the case of zonal winds. At the same time, a northward shift of these patterns at φ = 0° relative to the patterns at φ = 180° is distinguishable (compare (a) and (c) with (b) and (d) in Figure 7). The underpopulated radiance cluster at φ = 0° is inferior in reliability as against the 11-member PI3K inhibitor review cluster at φ = 180°. We have randomly subdivided the latter into three subclusters of five members each so that any subcluster is

comparable to the φ = 0° cluster in the population. Presumably, the authenticity of the above shift may be regarded as satisfactory if a radiance profile from the φ = 0° data exhibits a maximum shift northwards with reference to any of the φ = 180° subclusters. The meridional profiles of radiances Lwnav (555) and Lwnav (670) ((e) and (f) in Figure 7) confirm this supposition. Notice that the profiles

of Lwnav (555) and Lwnav (670) for both wind directions peak within the segment of virtually constant depth Z = 11.1 ± 0.2 m ( Figure 7). All the radiance distributions for winds of different directions are given in Figure 8 and Figure 9, except for the distributions of the two least populated clusters. We consider the radiances at wavelength 555 and 670 nm alone since distributions of Lwnav at shorter wavelengths are close to the pattern at 555 nm. For the sake of comparability, we have used (2) to express Lwnav as a fraction of the radiance range Lmaxwnav − Lminwnav, common to all of the wind directions at a given wavelength. They exhibit the following: 1) the maximum 8.30 < Lmaxwnav (555) < 10.41 μW sr− 1 cm− 2 nm− 1 and 2.34 < Lmaxwnav (670) < 3.20 μW sr− 1 cm− 2 nm− 1 occurred in the middle of the eastern coastal zone close to the shore line regardless of wind direction; 2) the radiance distributions Tau-protein kinase appear pressed against the shore for winds with an onshore component ((b) and (c) in Figure 8 and Figure 9)

but they appear to be extended downwind by 10–15 km if there is an offshore wind component ((e) and (f) in Figure 8 and Figure 9); 3) for one and the same wind involving an offshore component, the green radiance Lwnav (555) spreads westwards further than the red radiance Lwnav (670) of the same relative magnitude does; 4) winds blowing parallel to the shore result in a meridional rather than a zonal radiance displacement ((a) and (d) in Figure 8 and Figure 9). We found that the estimates of the long-term average normalized radiance of this marine shallow varied to the first significant figure in the middle of the shallow and was spatially redistributed in the direction of moderate long-term average winds, which is manifested as a radiance loop effect for on- and offshore winds. Nothing of this sort happened in the deep-water area only a few km west of the shallow’s offshore boundary.

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