The diagnostic criteria for ACS generally applied at the hospital during the study period were those of the European Society of Cardiology, the American College of Cardiology and the American Heart Association [21,22]. In the study patients, discharge diagnoses were made by the responsible ED physician, or, if the patient was admitted to inpatient care, by the responsible specialist ward physician.
Statistical analysis To get an overview of how the diagnostic tools were used to determine ACS suspicion, we present simple associations between the physician’s ACS suspicion on one hand, and TnT levels, ECG changes and symptoms on the other (Tables 1 Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical and and22). Table 1 The physician’s overall Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical suspicion of ACS and the underlying assessments of the ECG, symptoms, and TnT Table 2 Combinations of assessments of ECG findings, symptoms and TnT for cases with any suspicion of ACS To further evaluate how the diagnostic tools simultaneously were used to determine the level of suspicion of ACS, two different logistic regression models were applied (Table 3). In the first model the binary response was any suspicion of ACS compared to no suspicion, while in the Selleck AZD0530 second model we evaluated obvious/strong suspicion
of ACS compared to vague/no suspicion. ECG changes (4 categories; normal, ischemic, with LBBB or Q-wave, or with AF, AFL or pacemaker), symptom category, TnT-level Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical (≥0,05 or<0.05 μg/L), sex and dichotomized age (≥65 or<65 years) were included as covariates
in both models. The reference categories were normal ECG, symptoms raising no suspicion of ACS, TnT<0.05, male sex and age<65 years, respectively. Factors were considered significant if the P-value was below 0.05. Analyses were conducted Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical with IBM SPSS Statistics 18 for Windows (IBM Corp., Somers NY, USA) software. Table 3 Logistic regression analysis Results As shown in Figure 1, Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical out of 1222 consecutive chest pain patients, a total of 1151 patients were included in the study. Fifty-six patients were excluded because of incomplete study data. Six-hundred and twenty-one (54.0%) were hospitalized and 140 of those (22.5%) proved to have ACS as the discharge diagnosis. Characteristics for the included patients are given in Table 4. Mean age was 60.7±18.5 (SD) years. Table 4 Characteristics of the included patients Assessments of symptoms, ECG and TnT, and the overall likelihood of ACS Table 1 shows the association between the designated likelihood of ACS and Thymidine kinase the underlying assessments of ECG, symptoms and TnT levels. Twenty-one (1.8%) of the 1151 patients were deemed as obvious ACS, 250 (21.7%) as strong suspicion of ACS, 439 (38.1%) as vague suspicion of ACS and 441 (38.3%) as no suspicion of ACS. Of the patients with ST-elevation, almost 71% were considered as obvious ACS. In contrast, only 5.8% of patients with typical symptoms of ACS were assessed as obvious ACS, and only 10.3% of those with a positive TnT.