Similar to what observed for the E. coli C strains, deletion of the pnp gene in the MG1655 background resulted in a significant increase in adhesion to solid surfaces, which was totally abolished by pgaA deletion (Additional file 3: Figure S2). However, cell aggregation was not observed in KG206 liquid cultures (data not shown), suggesting that the effect of pnp deletion is less pronounced
in the MG1655 background. Our results clearly indicate that PNAG is required for the aggregative phenotype of pnp mutant strains, suggesting that PNPase may act as a negative GW3965 supplier regulator of PNAG production. We thus determined by western blotting PNAG relative amounts in both C-1a (WT) and C-5691 (Δpnp) strains using anti-PNAG antibodies. As shown in Figure 3, the Δpnp QNZ in vivo mutants (both with the single Δpnp mutation and in association with either ΔcsgA or ΔwcaD) exhibited higher PNAG levels relative to the pnp + strains. As expected, no PNAG could be detected in pgaC mutants, whereas bcsA inactivation, which abolishes cellulose production, led PF-3084014 chemical structure to stimulation of PNAG biosynthesis. Despite increased PNAG production,
the pnp + ΔbcsA strain did not show any detectable cell aggregation (Additional file 2: Figure S1). Discrepancies between PNAG levels and aggregative phenotype in some mutants might be explained by presence of additional adhesion factors, or different timing in PNAG production. Figure 3 Determination of PNAG production by immunological assay. Crude extracts were prepared from overnight cultures grown in M9Glu/sup at 37°C. PNAG detection was
carried out with polyclonal PNAG specific antibodies as detailed in Materials and Methods. PNAG determination was repeated four times (twice on each of two independent EPS extractions) with very similar results: data shown are from a typical experiment. Upper panel (pnp +): E. coli C-1a (wt), C-5936 (ΔpgaC), C-5930 (ΔcsgA), C-5928 (ΔbcsA), C-5934 (ΔwcaD); lower Inositol monophosphatase 1 panel (Δpnp): E. coli C-5691 (wt), C-5937 (ΔpgaC), C-5931 (ΔcsgA), C-5929 (ΔbcsA), C-5935 (ΔwcaD). PNPase downregulates pgaABCD operon expression at post-transcriptional level In E. coli, the functions responsible for PNAG biogenesis are clustered in the pgaABCD operon [48]. By northern blot analysis we found that the pgaABCD transcript was much more abundant in the Δpnp strain than in pnp + (Figure 4A), suggestive of negative control of pgaABCD transcript stability by PNPase. Increased transcription of the pgaABCD operon was also detected in the E. coli MG1655 Δpnp derivative KG206 (data not shown), in agreement with biofilm formation experiments (Additional file 3:Figure S2). We investigated the mechanism of pgaABCD regulation by PNPase and its possible connections with known regulatory networks controlling pgaABCD expression.