Postoperatively, the patient was able to consume a normal diet wi

Postoperatively, the patient was able to consume a normal diet without difficulty or aspiration and displayed good speech function. No donor site morbidity, e.g., herniation or bulging, was observed, and the patient was able to perform their normal daily activities. DIEP flaps provide a pliable skin paddle, an adequate

amount of adipose tissue, and reduced donor site morbidity, even in children. We did not have any difficulty harvesting the DIEP flap or with the microvascular anastomosis. We consider DIEP free flaps to be the ideal option for pediatric tongue reconstruction. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Microsurgery 33:487–490, find more 2013. “
“A Mathes and Nahai type III muscle, such as the rectus abdominis muscle, can be utilized to cover two separate wounds simultaneously utilizing its dual blood supply thereby minimizing check details donor site morbidity and operative time. We report a case for treatment of bilateral Gustillo type IIIB lower extremity injuries treated with a single rectus abdominis muscle split into two free flaps, with one based on the deep inferior epigastric vessels and one on the superior epigastric vessels to cover the contralateral wound. In our patient, both lower extremity wounds were covered with muscle flaps from the same donor site in a single operation, salvaging both limbs with progression to unassisted ambulatory status. We show

in this case report that the utilization of the vascular anatomy of the rectus muscle allows for division of the flap into two flaps, permitting preservation of the contralateral abdominal wall integrity and coverage of two wounds with a single muscle. © 2013 Wiley

Periodicals, Inc. Microsurgery 34:54–57, 2014. With the improved survival of polytrauma patients, Sodium butyrate the rise in concurrent open wounds is becoming increasingly common. Despite technical advances in free tissue transfer, donor site morbidity continues to be problematic for patients following lower extremity reconstruction. Often, these patients are young and will contend with the complications of donor site morbidity for many decades. As a consequence, the selection of donor sites is becoming a critical decision. Integration of multiple factors of patient age, aesthetics, and the conservation of upper body strength for assistance with ambulation and activities of daily living as well as the volume of soft tissue needed for transfer is critical when approaching a case of bilateral Gustillo IIIB injuries. The rectus abdominis free flap, first described by Pennington, has been long recognized as an ideal choice for lower extremity reconstruction, and indeed represents a workhorse flap for many microsurgeons.[1] Taylor et al. reported the successful use of the inferior third of the rectus muscle in their early case series of seven patients, noting that a small segmental component of the flap was more than sufficient to cover the soft tissue defect in nearly all cases.

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