Osmosensing and associated signal transduction pathways have not

Osmosensing and associated signal transduction pathways have not yet been described in obligate halophilic bacteria. Chromohalobacter salexigens [19] is a halophilic gamma proteobacterium Selleck Epoxomicin that grows optimally at 1.5 M NaCl in minimal Apoptosis inhibitor medium [20]. It requires at least 0.5 M NaCl for any growth at all, and can tolerate up to 3 M NaCl, being considered as

a model microorganism to study prokaryotic osmoadaptation [8]. Interestingly, C. salexigens lowest salinity for growth is the highest NaCl concentration that the non halophilic E. coli, traditionally used for osmoregulation studies, can tolerate. C. salexigens finely adjusts its cytoplasmic compatible solute pool in order to cope with high salinity and supra-optimal temperatures [21, 22]. This is achieved by a highly hierarchical accumulation of solutes, dominated by the uptake of external osmoprotectants such as betaine or its precursor choline [23, 24], and followed by the synthesis of endogenous solutes, mainly ectoines (ectoine and hydroxyectoine), and minor amounts of glutamate, glutamine, trehalose and glucosylglycerate [8]. Ectoine and hydroxyectoine are essential for osmoprotection and thermoprotection, Mdivi1 in vivo respectively [22]. C. salexigens can also accumulate ectoines after transport from the external medium, and the ectoine

transport rate is maximal at optimal salinity [25]. Within the sequence of the C. salexigens genome, we have found orthologs to the TRAP-T-type TeaABC transport system for ectoines of the closely related Halomonas elongata [10]. We have experimental evidence that this system is the main responsible for the uptake of ectoines in C. salexigens (J. Rodriguez-Moya, unpublished data). On the other hand, although glucose is the preferred carbon

and energy source, C. salexigens can use a wide range of substrates as nutrients, including the compatible solutes betaine, ectoine and hydroxyectoine [25]. Remarkably, neither ectoines nor betaine could support C. salexigens growth at low salinity, Epothilone B (EPO906, Patupilone) most probably due to an insufficient uptake of these compatible solutes [25]. Osmoadaptive response through ectoine(s) synthesis in C. salexigens seems to be finely controlled at the transcriptional level, and several general (σS, σ32, Fur) or specific regulators have been described [8, 24]. However, the associated sensors remain to be elucidated. In addition, information on osmosensing and signal transduction pathways leading to osmoprotectant uptake in C. salexigens is missing. In this work, we isolated a C. salexigens salt-sensitive mutant, strain CHR95, which was nevertheless able to use ectoines as a sole carbon source at low salinities due to a deregulated transport. This mutant was affected in three genes, two of which were transcriptional regulators. Analyses of single mutants affected in these regulators suggested the protein EupR as the response regulator of a two-component system involved in the regulation of ectoine(s) uptake.

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