Multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) methods offer integration of multiple stakeholders interests, thus leading to more robust analysis and relevant selleck Tofacitinib policy option to deal with environmental issues [38�C41]. Hence, numerous examples of MCDM methods application in ecological sciences are present [42, 43]. Therefore, ARAS method developed by Zavadskas and Turskis [44] will be applied in this study.This study focuses on integrated assessment of sustainable management of abandoned grasslands aimed at a proper management of fertilizer application methods leading to reduction of GHG emissions, which in turn are significant drivers of air pollution and climate change.
The main aim of this investigation was to compare the impact of a single as well as multiple fertilizers on long-living biogenic greenhouse gas (CO2, N2O, and CH4) emissions and to determine the optimal fertilizing schemes in seminatural sward and cultural pasture ecosystems.In order to improve anthropogenic GHG inventory in agroecosystems and assess the viability of mitigation options, fertilizing risk management and biogenic environment pollution was evaluated applying new additive ratio assessment (ARAS) method. Multi-criteria analysis will contribute to an objective finding of environment-friendly solution.2. Metohds2.1. Study SiteThe measurements were conducted on two sites: abandoned for more than 20 years grassland (54��88��N, 23��83-84��E) and intensively managed cultural pasture (54��87��N, 23��83��E) have been situated at the Lithuanian University of Agriculture, Kaunas district, during vegetation period of 2009 (Figure 1).
The site is located in 5-6 hardiness zone [45] of temperate climate (C) with moderate warm summer and moderate cold winter [46]. Mean annual temperature ranges between 5.5 and 7.5��C with annual precipitation of 670mm. Total solar radiation inflow amounts 3600MJm?2 in Lithuania. Meteorological data (air temperature and precipitation) are obtained from Kaunas meteorology station, which is situated nearby study site (Figure 1). Figure 1Study sites: (a) seminatural grassland (54��88��N, 23��84��E) and (b) intensively managed cultural pasture (CP); (c) Kaunas Meteorology Station (54��87��N, 23��83��E) (LUA, Research Station; LTD …Both the sites of soil was clay loam topsoil over silt loam (Calc(ar)i-Endohypogleyic Luvisol) [47]. Humus horizon was 25cm deep.
Soil pH was 6.75�C6.97, humus content was 2.48�C2.51%, P2O5 was 239�C242mgkg?1, and K2O was 120�C144mgkg?1 in spring. Soil samples were taken at a 15�C20cm depth using auger (2.5cm in diameter) with 6�C8 boreholes per Anacetrapib replicated plot, and composite soil samples were formed in accordance with ISO 10 381�C1:2002. The soil samples were preconditioned for 15�C20 days at laboratory temperature (approximately 22��C) before analysis.