In this context the present work proposes to enlarge the concept of artificial olfaction and taste, designing an innovative multisensorial system based on the same bio-material as sensing element. Human beings contemporaneously use the five senses: senses contamination and interaction is called synesthesia [23]. The BIOsensor-based multisensorial system for mimicking Nose, Tongue and Eyes (BIONOTE) described in this paper represents the first step towards the realizing the strategy described above. In this case cross-sensitivity is more similar to ��cross-sensoriality��, meaning the work made by different sensors to catch more complete information, mimicking synesthesia effects in senses mechanisms.
In literature there are some papers recounting studies conducted in parallel with electronic noses and tongues [24,25], or combining gas sensors based on conductivity or mass changes and those based on optical properties [26] but they are exclusively based on data fusion, and data are provided by different experiments conducted with different devices. Among them it is worth mentioning that Rodr��guez-M��ndez et al. [24], prepared an excellent set-up for the integration of different systems (there named electronic panel), whose final result is a very interesting ��chemical signature�� called multimodal feature vector. Cole et al. [27] reported in 2011 an interesting experiment of a simultaneous measurement of both a liquid and its vapor phase, with two transducers based on different sensing interfaces.
In fact, while conducting polymers were used for vapor analysis, liquids were tested through their electrical properties, without a sensing material, because in this case physical parameters were measured instead of chemical ones. The simultaneous analysis of the vapor and liquid phase of the same sample, together with the test of its optical properties by mean of a single instrument based on the same sensing interface (the selected sensing material of biological origin), has similarity with an ��artificial synesthesia�� that we want to call ��multi-sensorial�� approach. This simultaneous approach for liquid-vapor measurement seems not to be useful in case of gas samples, Entinostat but looking at the medical applications of this system, it emerges as a novel source of information. Many medical studies are devoted to body fluids more involved in the diseases under test, while a multidimensional approach suggests the analysis of the whole set of information revealed by human metabolism [13].Anthocyanins are used as BIONOTE sensing materials. Anthocyanins are natural pigments widely distributed in nature. They are produced by plants as secondary metabolites responsible for the pigmentation of many flowers, fruits and vegetables [28].