In the case of magnetic field-assisted etched porous silicon, an

In the case of magnetic field-assisted etched porous silicon, an average pore diameter of 35 nm has been achieved, whereas the mean side-pore length is around 10 nm. The observed coercivity of such a sample is 650 Oe. The difference of the coercivity between Ni-wires deposited within conventional etched and magnetic field-assisted etched samples ranges between 45 and 58%. Simulations of arrays of nanowires show that dipolar coupling MEK inhibitor has to

be taken into account if the distance between the wires is in the range of the wire diameter [10]. In the case of closely packed wires, the infinite wire approach has to be considered because the magnetization reversal of the wires is modified by the packing density [10].Figure  4 shows the coercivity in dependence on the length of the side pores of the porous silicon template and the length of the branches of the Ni-wires, respectively. Figure 3 Magnetization curves of porous silicon samples loaded with Ni-wires in terms of different dendritic growths. The coercivity increases with decreasing side-pore length (dotted curve approximately 50 nm; dashed curve approximately 20 nm; full curve approximately 10 nm). Figure 4 Coercivity of Ni-filled porous

silicon versus side-pore length of the templates. Decreasing side-pore length is concomitant with an increase of the pore diameter (conventional etched samples). The sample offering a side-pore length of 10 nm has been prepared by magnetic field-assisted etching. Conclusions A system consisting of a porous silicon host with different dendritic growths and embedded Ni-wires which offer a shape correlated to the pores has been presented. This nanocomposite offering a three-dimensional arrangement of Ni-nanowires has been produced in a cheap and simple way without any pre-structuring methods. The magnetic properties can also be tuned beside the employed metal and the shape of the deposits by the morphology of the host material. A decrease of the

branched structure of the pores results Tangeritin in an increase of the coercivity which is due to less magnetic cross-talk between neighboring Ni-wires. Acknowledgements The authors thank the Institute of Solid State Physics at the Vienna University of Technology, Austria, for providing magnetometers for magnetic measurements. References 1. Thomas JC, Pacholski C, Sailor MJ: Delivery of nanogram payload using magnetic porous silicon microcarriers. Royal Soc Chem 2006, 6:782. 2. Granitzer P, Rumpf K, Venkatesan M, Roca AG, Cabrera L, Morales MP, Poelt P, Albu M: Magnetic study of Fe3O4 nanoparticles incorporated within mesoporous silicon. J Electrochem Soc 2010, 157:K145. 10.1149/1.3425605CrossRef 3. Fukami K, Kobayashi K, Matsumoto T, Kawamura YL, Sakka T, Ogata YH: Electrodeposition of noble metals into ordered macropores in p-type silicon. J Electrochem Soc 2008, 155:D443. 10.1149/1.2898714CrossRef 4. Granitzer P, Rumpf K: Porous silicon—a versatile host material. Materials 2010, 3:943. 10.

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