In other words, for two ions separated by the critical distance R cr, the probability of a sensitizer
ion radiating is equal to the probability of its energy transfer to an acceptor ion. Therefore, crystals in which sensitizers and acceptors are on average closer than the critical radius, FG-4592 order W sa > W s, which results in non-radiative energy transfer being favoured over radiation. The critical interaction distance R cr is given by Dexter’s formula [10]: (2) In this expression, n is the index of refraction, Q a is the integrated absorption cross section of the acceptor ion ∫σ(E)dE, and f s ems and f a abs are the normalized (∫f(E)dE = 1) emission and absorption spectra with E the photon energy equal to ħc/λ. This means that the greater the overlap between the sensitizer ion’s emission spectrum and the acceptor ion’s absorption spectrum, the greater the critical distance. A large critical distance allows a relatively dilute distribution of sensitizer and acceptor ions within the Elafibranor clinical trial lattice to interact and exchange energy at rates faster than their radiative
rates. The practical consequence of Dexter’s formula is that the energy transfer is much more likely in a system in which there is significant overlap between the excited-state PF-04929113 concentration transitions of the sensitizing ions and the ground-state absorptions of the acceptor ions. Even in a singly doped system, in which the acceptors and sensitizers are of the same species, the pump will only interact with a small fraction of the Forskolin nmr total ions available. This means that the average distance between an excited-state ion and a ground-state ion is essentially equal to the average distance R av between the ions in the crystal, assuming a random distribution is given by (3) where N is the density of ions in the lattice. If R av is less than or equal to R cr for an interaction
involving a ground-state absorption by an acceptor ion, energy transfer can occur. Interactions involving excited-state acceptor ions can usually be neglected because at pump powers of a few Watts, the average separation between these excited-state ions is usually much larger than R cr. It is for these reasons that the cross-relaxation pathways illustrated in Figure 1 for a singly doped Tm3+ system are the only ones that are significant. Both C1 and C2 involve interactions between sensitizer ions excited by the pump and acceptor ions in the ground state. However, there will be no energy transfer or radiation if multi-phonon relaxation is too rapid, which is the case in many crystals that have relatively high lattice phonon energies. Low phonon energy crystals Reducing the multi-phonon relaxation rates in crystalline hosts is accomplished by incorporating heavier halides, such as chlorine or bromine, which has the effect of reducing the maximum phonon energies in the crystal.