In conclusion, DSNs provide hundreds of hours of telephone advice

In conclusion, DSNs provide hundreds of hours of telephone advice annually that improve ongoing diabetes care and represent a cost-effective method of reducing the number of acute hospital admissions. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons. “
“This paper examines and summarizes data on knee osteoarthritis (AO) in Community Oriented Program For Control Of Rheumatic Disorders (COPCORD) publications. A literature search selleck inhibitor was made through PubMed, Google, Proceedings of Asia-Pacific League of Associations for Rheumatology (APLAR) congresses, and Abstracts from APLAR congresses. Data

were compiled to examine the prevalence of knee OA and knee pain, sex ratio, urban/rural differences and other risk factors. Data on knee pain and OA were available in a total of 36 COPCORD publications. The pooled prevalence of knee OA was 7.9% in adults above the age of 15 years. It was more common in women. Overweight, squatting and cycling

appeared to be modifiable risk factors for knee OA. OA of the knee is the commonest rheumatic disease in studied communities. Further research is needed for identification of its modifiable risk factors and development of strategies for reduction of the community burden of this malady. “
“Worldwide, osteoarthritis (OA) is estimated to be the fourth Bleomycin datasheet leading cause of disability. Most of this disability burden is attributable to the involvement of the hips or the knees. OA is strongly associated with ageing and the Asian region

is ageing rapidly. Further, OA has been associated with heavy physical occupational activity, a required livelihood for many people living in rural communities in developing countries. Unfortunately, joint replacement surgery, an effective intervention for people with severe OA involving the hips 4-Aminobutyrate aminotransferase or knees, is inaccessible to most people in these regions. On the other hand, obesity, another major risk factor, may be less prevalent, although it is on the increase. Determining region-specific OA prevalence and risk factor profiles will provide important information for planning future cost-effective preventive strategies and health care services. An update of what is currently known about the prevalence of hip and knee OA from population-based studies conducted in the Asian region is presented in this review. Many of the recent studies have conducted comparisons between urban and rural areas and poor and affluent communities. The results of Asian-based studies evaluating risk factors from population-based cohorts or case–control studies, and the current evidence on OA morbidity burden in Asia is also outlined. “
“Introduction:  Behcet’s Disease (BD) is classified as a vasculitis, and progresses via attacks and remissions.

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