However, in the case of the GO, the oxygen-containing groups could create strong local electric field [45] under laser excitation, so large polarizability of graphene domains induces additional local electric field and increases the cross-section of RS of the adsorbed molecules. Additional enhancement could be explained by resonant excitation for one or two photons in the case of CARS of nanocarbons (Table 1) also. Indeed, our QNZ mouse optical study in the near-visible range confirms the appearance of local density states of MWCNTs and GNPs in the
region of 500 to 900 nm. So, resonant excitation could be the other reason of giant enhancement in CARS. All this mechanisms need further study and analysis. Conclusions Therefore, it was shown that the CARS spectra
of carbon nanostructures (GNPs, GO, and MWCNTs) are definitely different from the corresponding spontaneous Raman spectra. At the same time, the CARS and Raman selleck inhibitor spectra of Thy are rather close and could be used for analytical purposes. The GECARS effect was shown for the Thy/GO complex with minor shifts of Thy bands. The enhancement factor of the GECARS signal for the Thy/GO complex is greater than approximately 105. In our view, the enhancement effect could have several reasons: (a) the so-called chemical mechanism, which involves charge transfer between the molecule and the carbon nanostructure, as well Small molecule library order as the increase of the dipole moment in the molecule; (b) the resonant interaction of exciting light with electronic states of the carbon nanostructures; and (c) the increase the local electromagnetic field at the edges of the GO nanosheets. HSP90 Authors’ information GD has a scientific degree of Doctor of Sciences in Solid State Physics and Biophysics and received degree of professor in 2012. She is a Head of Physics of the Biological Systems Department of Institute of Physics of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Her scientific areas of interest are Biophysics, nucleic acids, Solid State Physics, surface solids, plasmonics, experimental physics (FTIR, SEIRA, SERS, UV, Raman, NMR spectroscopy,
Langmuir-Blodgett technique, AFM microscopy, and Computational Chemistry). She was involved in the study of biological molecule interaction with low doses of ionizing and microwave irradiation, ligands, anti-cancer drugs, metal and carbon nanostructures. She has more than 250 publications in international scientific journals. OF received her degree of Senior Researcher in 2009 and her Ph.D. at Institute of Physics of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in 2007 with a thesis about effects and mechanisms of enhancement of optical transition of bio-organical molecules near metal surface. Now, she is the Head of the Innovations and Technology Transfer Department of the Institute of Physics of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.