Histopathological changes compatible with toxic myocarditis were observed following sarin and soman in animal experiments, but it has not been reported in humans.58 Intermediate Syndrome The
intermediate syndrome, which occurs on 1-4 days after acute poisoning, consists of marked weakness in the proximal skeletal muscles, respiratory muscles, and cranial nerve palsies.59,60 Intermediate syndrome is due to cholinergic over activity at the neuromuscular junction, and a connection has been Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical made between the intermediate syndrome and OP-induced myopathy. Studies conducted in the 1990s have shown that intermediate syndrome is associated with an excretion of cholinesterase inhibitor metabolites in the urine and by a severe depression in cholinesterase levels. It has been reported following exposure to specific OP pesticides with a dimethyl phosphate moiety such as kinase inhibitor Crizotinib fenthion, dimethoate, dichlorvos and methylparathion, but has also been observed following parathion exposure.60,61 It was suggested that the condition might reflect Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical the recirculation Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical of lipid soluble
cholinesterase inhibitors from body fat compartments or gastric fluids.62 The intermediate syndrome has not been reported after nerve agents poisoning. Clinical severity grading of OP poisoning as mild, moderate, severe and fatal are summarized in table 2. Table 2: The grading of clinical severity of organophosphate poisoning Chronic Effects Chronic poisoning may occur in workers (mainly agricultural workers) with daily Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical exposure to OP compounds. Some OP pesticides are able to induce organophosphate-induced delayed
neuropathy (OPIDN). It is a symmetrical thoroughly sensorimotor axonopathy, which is most severe in long axons, and occurs seven to 14 days following exposure. Organophosphate-induced delayed neuropathy Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical is initiated by phosphorylation and subsequent aging of >70% of the functional neuropathy target esterase (NTE) in peripheral nerves. The mechanism is believed to be via inhibition of NTE or a trophic factor such as depletion of ornithine decarboxylase in spinal cord.63 A case of sensory polyneuropathy seven months after sarin poisoning has been reported.64 Chronic OPIND This occurs without cholinergic symptoms and apparently is not dependent on AChE inhibition. It is a Drug_discovery symmetrical sensorimotor axonopathy, tending to be most severe in long axons and occurring after several exposures.65,66 The most common symptoms of Chronic OPIND (COPIND) include cognitive deficit (impairment in memory, concentration and learning, problems with attention, information processing, eye-hand coordination and reaction time), mood changes (anxiety, depression, psychotic symptoms, and emotional labiality), chronic fatigue, autonomic dysfunction, peripheral neuropathy and extrapyramidal symptoms such as dystonia, resting tremor, bradikynesia, postural instability and rigidity of face muscles.