Finally, no synthesis of tyramine by LCZ696 mw Caco-2 cells
was observed in absence of bacteria and a slight but significant increase of the BA levels was observed in the presence of both precursors when either bacteria (220 μM versus 320 μM) or co-cultures (180 μM versus 230 μM) were analyzed. Table 2 Production of biogenic amines in presence of epithelial cells Precursors added Bacteria +Human cells Bacteria Human cells Put (μM) Tym (μM) Put (μM) Tym Put (μM) Tym(μM) Agm (4.3 mM) selleck chemicals llc 1980±170a ND 190±80c ND 10±2d ND Tyr (10 mM) ND 180±9a ND 220±1ab ND ND Tyr (10 mM) + Agm (4.3 mM) 1330±420a 230±9ab 1003±41b 320±80b 7±0d ND Tyramine (Tym) and putrescine (Put) were detected by RP-HPLC in samples containing DMEM medium supplemented or not with 10 mM tyrosine, 4.38 mM agmatine or eFT508 in vitro both precursors, after 8 h incubation. Cells present during the assay: Bacteria + Human cells: L. brevis IOEB 9809 (108 CFU mL-1) and Caco-2 cells (105 cells mL-1); Bacteria: L. brevis IOEB 9809 (108 CFU mL-1) and Human cells: Caco-2 cells (105 cells mL-1). Results are expressed as the mean ± standard deviation of three independent experiments. ND: not detected. Detection limits: for Put > 2 nM and for Tym > 2.5 nM. Putrescine and tyramine were below the detection limits in the DMEM medium as well as in samples containing either bacteria or Caco-2 cells in absence of the corresponding
BA precursor. Differences were assessed by Anova test. Different superscript letters associated with values of the same BA indicate statistically significant differences (P < 0.05). Comparison of L. brevis IOEB 9809 with Enterococcus durans 655 In a previous study [16] we studied the behaviour of Enterococcus durans 655 under saliva and gastric stresses as well as in presence of Caco-2 epithelial cells using essentially the same conditions as described in this paper. Our results reveal that the wine L. brevis IOEB 9809, like the dairy E. durans 655 [16], was able to produce tyramine under saliva and gastric stresses as well as in presence of Caco-2 epithelial
Org 27569 cells. In addition, L. brevis was able to produce putrescine in all conditions tested. However, unlike E. durans[16] an increase of bacterial survival under saliva and mild gastric (pH 5.0-4.0) stresses correlated with transcriptional activation of both BA biosynthetic pathways. Moreover, we found that adhesion levels of L. brevis to Caco-2 cells were between 2% and 3%, similar to that detected for E. durans 655 (2% or 6% in absence or presence of tyrosine) [16]. We did not detect any influence of the BA biosynthetic pathways on L. brevis adhesion capability. However, we have only observed for L. brevis an increase of putrescine production in co-cultures of bacteria and epithelial human cells. Thus, it seems that the role of the BA biosynthetic pathways of Lactobacillus in the human GIT environment differs from that of Enterococcus. Potential impact of L.