Films started to shrink was viewed through the microscope and was noted as Micro Shrinkage Temperature. Rucaparib in vivo Cellulose paper was dipped in a boiling tube containing oleic acid in hexane (0.1 M) solution. After
adding the initiator AIBN into the above boiling tube, the oxidation of oleic acid was monitored for the absorbance at λ234 for 30 min and the tube was plugged tightly to prevent the evaporation of hexane. Different concentrations of CAEICDF’s, CAEICCDF’s, TAEICDF’s, and TAEICCDF’s were placed over the cellulose paper separately containing oleic acid, the experiment was repeated and the absorbance was measured at λ234. Adult male Wistar rats weighing 180–200 g were procured from the animal house of Bapatla Pharmacy College (1032/ac/07/CPCSEA), Bapatla, were maintained at a temperature of 26 ± 2 °C constantly and humidity of 30–40% with 12 h light & dark cycle throughout the experiment. The animals were housed in clean polypropylene cages in an air conditioned animal house and the rats were fed with commercial rat feed and sterile water. The experiment protocol was approved by the Institutional Animal Ethical Committee (IAEC/II/12,14,15 & 16/BCOP/2009) of Bapatla College of Pharmacy. For this,
the area was cleared off from hair by using Metformin in vivo a depletory and anaesthetized using chloroform. A metal template of size 1 × 1 cm (0.785 cm2 area) was placed on the stretched skin and an outline of the template was traced on the skin using a PDK4 fine tipped pen. The wound was made by excision wound technique. The plain collagen film, collagen cross-linked film, marketed (Neuskin™), various natural extracts (C. asiatica and T. arjuna) of collagen incorporated concentrations were then applied separately
on the excised wound to the healthy male animals of groups. The wound healing data obtained for natural extract impregnated collagen and cross-linked collagen film were subjected to unpaired statistical student ‘t’ test. By subjecting to one-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), the differences between the wound healing values obtained for the highest wound healing group and other groups were compared. By using a Rotatory Microtome (WSWAX®) serial sections of paraffin embedded tissue (1 mm2 area) of 3–5 μm thickness were cut off and stained under light microscope (OLYMPUS I 20®) whose stage micrometer of 100 μ was calibrated with 96 μ of eyepiece meter. The tissue was focused and fibroblasts were counted at 40X × 10 magnification and presented in number per 100 μm. To evaluate re-epithelization, the epithelial gap was measured at 10X × 10 magnifications (Table 4). A peak at 3401 cm−1, proved the existence of hydroxyl group, characteristic feature arjunolic acid of triterpenoids. A peak at 1519 cm−1, confirmed the existence of acid carbonyl group, characteristic feature arjunolic acid of triterpenoids. A peak at 1448 cm−1, confirmed the presence of gem dimethyl, characteristic feature of triterpenoids.