Figure 2b shows prochemerin tran scripts in chondrocyte cultures from two patients subjected to a total knee arthroplasty. The PCR products detected by gel electrophoresis showed that mRNA corresponding to the 229 bp transcript and the 361 bp transcript of prochemerin was present in both cultures. Geno mic DNA was not detected and all controls were negative. Sequen cing of the PCR products confirmed that they were transcripts for chemerin and APRT as judged by information obtained from the GeneBank. ChemR23 and chemerin expression in native cartilage The presence of ChemR23 and chemerin proteins in native cartilage was investigated by immunohistochemis try. Cartilage biopsies from two patients subjected to ACT, four patients subjected to total knee arthroplasty and three patients undergoing reconstruction of ligaments were used.
In all cases, cells residing in carti lage tissue were positively stained for both ChemR23 and chemerin. ChemR23 and chemerin expression in vitro The presence of ChemR23 and chemerin was investi PF-05212384 clinical trial gated by immunocytochemistry of chondrocyte cultures established from biopsies taken from seven individual patients, three that were subjected to ACT, another three subjected to total knee arthroplasty and one undergoing reconstruction of a ligament. In all cases, cells were positively stained for both ChemR23 and chemerin Chemerin21 157 stimulated the phosphorylation of MAPKs and Akt To assess whether intracellular signalling pathways were engaged upon ligand receptor binding, Western blots of phospho p4442 MAPKs and phospho Akt were performed.
In separate experiments, cultured selleck chondrocytes from three patients subjected to total knee arthroplasty were challenged with 10 nM chemerin21 157 for 1 minute, 2. 5 minutes, 5 minutes and 10 minutes, respectively. Figure 6 shows that both p4442 MAPKs and Akt were phosphorylated at specific resi dues. Challenging with chemerin21 157 for 5 and 10 min utes showed a markedly increased phosphorylation of the p4442 MAPKs compared to the unstimulated control, and inhibiting the MEK 12 pathway led to a reduction of phosphorylated p4442 MAPK including an inhibition of the background phosphorylated p4442 MAPK, as shown by a negative density value compared to the unstimulated control. Phosho Akt levels increased from 1 minute up to 10 minutes after stimulation with chemerin21 157 relative to the control.
These results demonstrate that chemerin21 157 binding to ChemR23 increases phosphorylation of Akt which may induce activation of MEK12 and further activate the MAPK pathway. Furthermore, addition of the MEK 12 inhibitor did not affect the activation of phospho Akt after stimulation with chemerin21 157 for 3. 5 minutes. Chemerin21 157 promoted the secretion of pro inflammatory cytokines and MMPs Based on the findings that ChemR23 expressed by chon drocytes transduced intracellular signalling in the pre sence of recombinant chemerin21 157, further studies were conducted to investigate the biological significance.