Figure 1 Network MEK162 in vivo 1 represents those genes included in the stress and virulence thematic microarray that were up(down)-regulated in response to several environmental stresses and anoxic condition. The bi-partite network connects genes with environmental conditions and regulation pattern. Node colors represent the modules, i.e. highly VS-4718 in vitro connected groups of nodes, detected in this network. Gene names added only for highly connected nodes, i.e. hubs with between 4 and 8 links as described
in Table S2. The 5 selected hubs to carry out mutations are in blue font and underlined in red. As the modular structure indicated, there was a common transcriptional response to several stresses in many genes and no remarkable differences were noticed between stress responses Selleckchem CP673451 under oxic and anoxic conditions in this respect. Thirty-nine genes were detected as induced under one environmental condition and not induced or repressed under the other conditions (Table 1). All the other detected genes were affected under more than one condition (Table 1). Cluster analysis of the environmental conditions according to their transcriptional
profiles revealed that the distance between profiles observed under oxic and anoxic conditions for each stress was sometimes as large as the distance between profiles observed under different stresses (Figure 2). The greatest distance was observed between the transcriptional profile under non-stressed conditions and the profiles observed in stressed
cultures. The response to anoxic conditions observed in stressed cultures was different from that observed in non-stressed situations. None of the 10 genes induced only under anoxic Loperamide conditions in a non- stressed situation was up-regulated in the stressed cultures. Therefore, the stress transcriptional response of many genes was common for different stresses. We targeted to explore those genes that were affected by a large number of stresses and culture conditions. Figure 2 Results of clustering the environmental stresses and anoxic condition according to the associated transcriptional profile observed on the stress and virulence thematic microarray. Network analysis reveals the presence of hubs or highly frequent differentially transcribed genes responding to environmental stresses, growth stages and immobilization To extend the information contained in Network 1, we constructed Network 2 by adding to Network 1 the transcription patterns associated with the growth stage and immobilization condition as can be found in the original publications [7–9]. In this way, we studied whether the transcription of the 425 genes contained in the microarray used above was affected by the growth stage and immobilization condition. Network 2 (Figure 3) connected genes with environmental stresses, growth stages and immobilization condition according to expression pattern.