Disease-free and overall survival at 5 years ranged from 28% to 3

Disease-free and overall survival at 5 years ranged from 28% to 38%, and from 54% to 58%, respectively, across the treatment arms.31 It is also important to note that, in the setting T3 stage laryngeal tumors, a significant percentage of patients will require adjuvant radiation, and in certain cases adjuvant chemotherapy. In these patients, the benefit of TLM remains unclear since their organ is not spared radiation. There

are currently no data to suggest that TLM followed by radiation provides Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical superior oncologic outcomes to definitive EBRT alone. Whether TLM can replace open laryngectomy for large T3 or T4 tumors remains to be seen and is likely to be a function of how easily TLM skills can be conferred to trainees. Vilaseca Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical and colleagues evaluated outcome data from 587 patients treated by five surgeons between 1998 and 2012.32 Their data indicate that more experienced surgeons required fewer interventions to achieve oncologic cure and performed fewer salvage laryngectomies following TLM. The rate of complications as well as positive margins did not differ between the surgeons. Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical Subset analysis of locally advanced tumors, however, revealed that surgeon experience had a significant impact on the number of

surgeries required for each patient, overall complication rate, and disease-free survival. Open resection of large laryngeal/pharyngeal tumors often requires reconstruction with pedicled or free flaps, particularly in the setting of JAK cancer previously irradiated tissue. Since TLM does not violate the skin and fascial planes, the risk of salivary leak/fistulae and the need for extensive reconstruction following oncologic ablation are reduced. Recurrent Laryngeal Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical Cancer Given the increase in organ preservation strategies (EBRT versus chemo-EBRT) for treatment of laryngeal tumors, a significant proportion of surgical treatment currently occurs in the salvage setting. This is in part driven by the propensity of laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma

(SCC) to develop through a field cancerization Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical phenomenon MycoClean Mycoplasma Removal Kit driven by generalized exposure to conventional carcinogens.33 As discussed above, non-surgical treatment of early glottic tumors represents the primary treatment paradigm, at least in the United States.34,35 Although cure rates are extremely high, patients with laryngeal cancer exhibit significant rates of recurrence (early or late) as well as second primary tumor development. Since most patients cannot be re-irradiated to a curative dose, treatment for recurrent laryngeal cancer is primarily surgical. Within the context of recurrent laryngeal tumors, TLM has gained increased recognition as a useful treatment paradigm (Table 2). Two primary themes are evident from existing literature on TLM for recurrent disease. First, the rate of complications is higher than in the primary treatment setting.

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