Culture of biopsy tissue and aspirated material was negative whil

Culture of biopsy tissue and aspirated material was negative whilst on antibiotic therapy. Cystoscopy and bladder biopsy revealed suspicious erythematous patches and yielded a histological diagnosis of malakoplakia (see Fig. 1). Although at least three mid stream urine samples were sterile around the period of the cystoscopy, Klebsiella pneumoniae

was isolated from bladder wall tissue. Once the diagnosis of malakoplakia was made, we embarked on a co-ordinated strategy that included minimization of immunosuppressive medication together with aggressive and prolonged antibiotics. Mycophenolate mofetil was stopped; the prednisolone reduced PARP inhibitor to 5 mg daily and tacrolimus was titrated to achieve concentrations of 2–4 μg/L. She received a further 12 weeks of intravenous piperacillin/tazobactam and from September 2012, followed by oral faropenem (150 mg, three times daily) and fosfomycin (3 g, weekly). Serial abdominal CT scans in March and October 2013 revealed reduction in graft oedema with reduction in size of the malakoplakia lesions to 15 mm followed by resolution of the lesion in the latter scan (see Fig. 2). Our patient’s urine has been sterile for more than 15 months, and repeat cystoscopy demonstrated regression of the

malakoplakia. All antibiotics were ceased Talazoparib manufacturer in November 2013. Despite her complicated course, her allograft function throughout has been excellent, consistently achieving eGFR above 55 mL/min per 1.73 m2. To our knowledge, this is the first reported case of malakoplakia in a renal transplant recipient affecting both the allograft and the bladder. This case is also notable for a successful outcome, for a condition often associated with poor graft survival, by employing a strategy combining minimization of immunosuppressive medications and prolonged antibiotics. Malakoplakia (from the Greek: malakos, soft; plakos, plaques, describing the macroscopic appearances) is a rare granulomatous inflammatory

disorder postulated to occur as result of disordered macrophage bactericidal activity, usually in the context of host immunodeficiency. Approximately 40% of cases are associated with established risk factors for poor immune function, including malignancy, autoimmunity, immunosuppressive therapy, chronic alcohol excess or general debility.[1] Etofibrate Although the molecular pathogenesis is unknown, it is believed that abnormally low intracellular concentrations of cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP), required for assembly of microtubules and lysosomal merger to phagocytic vacuoles, and similar deficiency of beta-glucuronidase, an enzyme critical for normal lysosomal function, underpins the process.[2-4] The subsequent intracellular accumulation of partially degraded bacteria prompts development of a granulomatous reaction, and accounts for the pathognomic MG bodies: calcified, basophilic, periodic acid-Schiff positive intracellular inclusions which often appear as targetoid or owl’s eye lesions.

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