Cultivation on selective media indicates a slight dominance of Pseudomonas GANT61 manufacturer spp. in air-stored samples at low temperatures while molecular based methods, both 16S rRNA cloning analysis and t-RFLP, indicate a high dominance of P. phosphoreum in both air and MA packaging. Analysis of volatiles produced during Cisplatin mw Storage at -2°C supported the dominance of P. phosphoreum showing intense TMA production. The species diversity was higher after short storage of less than one week, especially
in air packaging, but with time, P. phosphoreum reached a high dominance, depending on the storage conditions. Discrepancy was observed between the conventional cultivation and molecular methods and requests a further investigation to elucidate this Sepantronium nmr matter. Nevertheless, combined strategy of cultivation and cultivation independent methods might be the key for deeper understanding of bacterial population developments during the spoilage process of food. Methods Raw material The fish used for the shelf life experiments was captured by trawl in October 2006 in the North of Iceland, gutted onboard, washed with excessive seawater and stored iced in tubs until filleted, providing a temperature around 0°C. The sea temperature was 8.5-9°C on the day of capture. The raw material was 2-3 or
4-5 days old when it was filleted, deskinned, cut into loins and packaged for the shelf life experiment. Storage conditions Earlier to packaging, a part of the many fish was filleted and stored in 4% brine for two days at around 1°C while the other part was processed and cooled down in a 4% brine for 8 min prior to trimming and packaging. These treatments resulted in two groups with a final salt (NaCl) concentration of 2.5 ± 1.0% (HS) and 0.4 ± 0.2% (LS). The fish was stored in air (open bags in styrofoam boxes) and in modified atmosphere packaging (50% CO2, 5% O2, 45% N2) at 0°C
(only LS group), -2°C and -4°C resulting in 10 treatments (Table 4). Temperatures were monitored with loggers placed in packages at the bottom recording the temperature every 90 s. The gas composition was monitored using a CheckMate 9900 instrument (PBI Dansensor, Ringsted, Denmark). Sampling was performed in duplicate periodically during the storage time. Aerobic samples were stored for 12 (0°C) and 15 days (-2°C), MA-packed samples at 0°C for 21 days but 28 days for superchilled products. Table 4 Overview of fish treatments tested Treatments Temperature (°C) Atmosphere Salt content Sampling time (days) 1 0 Air LS 6, 13 2 -2 Air LS 6, 15 3 -4 Air LS 6, 15 4 0 MAP LS 7, 21 5 -2 MAP LS 7, 28 6 -4 MAP LS 7, 21 7 -2 Air HS 6, 15 8 -4 Air HS 6, 15 9 -2 MAP HS 13, 21 10 -4 MAP HS 7, 28 R Raw material 0 Cultivation Viable microbial developments were done essentially as described before [16].