Breast-fed and formula-fed infant feces values are an average of five individuals, and mothers’ feces values are an average of three individuals. All subjects were Vistusertib research buy unrelated. Other contains phyla each representing <1% of the contigs. The metagenomes of human milk and feces were also compared at the functional level (Figure 5). The functional ORF profile of the human milk metagenome is similar to that of each fecal metagenome,
but two fecal profiles were even more similar, for example BF- versus FF-infants’ feces, as seen using pair-wise comparison plots (Figure 6). The human milk metagenome is most dissimilar from that of FF-infants’ feces as 17 out of the 26 functional categories contain a significantly different proportion of the ORFs (Figure 6). The three fecal metagenomes had a significantly higher proportion of ORFs encoding genes for dormancy and sporulation (2.3%, 2.3% and 2.7%, for BF-infants’, FF-infants’ and mothers’ feces, respectively) than did the human milk metagenome (no associated ORFs, Figures 5 and 6). Both BF- and FF-infants’ fecal metagenomes had significantly higher proportions of cell division (3.5% each, respectively) and phosphorus metabolism
related ORFs (3.1% and 3.0%, respectively) than did the human milk metagenome (2.3% and 2.1%, Figures 5 and 6). The human milk metagenome, in comparison to BF- and FF-infants’ feces, did, however, have significantly higher proportions of membrane transport (5.0% compared to 4.0% and 4.0%), nitrogen
(3.5% Methane monooxygenase compared to 3.1% and 3.0%) and RNA metabolism (4.9% compared to 4.1% and 4.3%), cell regulation buy Erismodegib (4.4% compared to 3.5% and 3.3%), respiration (4.3% compared to 3.4% and 3.4%), stress response (4.2% compared to 3.7% and 3.5%) and virulence-related ORFs (4.4% compared to 3.7% and 3.7%, Figures 5 and 6). Figure 5 Functional category comparison of open reading frames within human milk versus infants’ and mothers’ feces. The percent of ORFs assigned to each functional category of genes is shown. Using the “CP-690550 hierarchical classification” tool within MG-RAST, ORFs within each metagenome were assigned to a functional category (maximum e-value of 1×10-5, minimum identity of 60%, and minimum alignment length of 15 aa). Asterisk denotes that the proportion of ORFs within the category is significantly different from that in human milk (Student’s t-test, P < 0.05). Breast-fed and formula-fed infant feces values are an average of five individuals, and mothers’ feces values are an average of three individuals. All subjects are unrelated. Figure 6 Pair-wise comparison of categorized open reading frames from human milk versus infants’ and mothers’ feces. Pair-wise comparisons for the human milk metagenome versus (A) breast-fed infants’ feces, (B) formula-fed infants’ feces and (C) mothers’ feces are shown. For comparison, a plot of breast-fed infants’ feces and formula-fed infants’ feces (D) is also shown.