
the electronic instruments were controlled using LabV


the electronic instruments were controlled using LabVIEW (National Instruments, Austin, TX, USA). Results and discussion The AAO templates were used to fabricate the nanobrush, and the cross profile of the nanobrush was revealed from the microscopic investigations. A scanning electron microscopy image of self-ordered AAO templates PRN1371 concentration is taken in top view (Figure  2a). The uniform SEM contrast observed from the side (Figure  2b) proves the homogeneous Co deposition inside the nanowires of the whole AAO templates and along their whole length. Figure  2c shows the Tideglusib price interface of the nanobrush after the AAO framework was removed via NaOH bath. It can be seen clearly from the inset that nanowires and nanofilm connect tightly. Figure 2 Surface topography of AAO templates and the cross section of

the nanobrush. (a) AAO templates with diameters of 50 nm, (b) interface of the nanobrush after the AAO framework was removed, and (c) profile of the nanobrush with ABT-263 datasheet 50-nm nanowire array. The enhanced MI performance of nanobrush depends on the exchange coupling effect of the interface between nanowires and films. Although the ac current flows through the top FeNi film, the crystal texture of cobalt nanowires strongly influences the exchange coupling effect at the interface. As we know, the magnetocrystalline anisotropy constant K 1 of bulk hexagonal close-packed (hcp) cobalt is 5 × 106 erg/cm3 at room temperature, which is the largest value among the d-band ferromagnetic metals such as Fe, Co, and Ni, and it nearly balances the shape anisotropy (K s = 6 × 106 erg/cm3) of magnetic nanowire [26]. Thus, purposefully controlling the crystal texture of cobalt nanowires is considered to be valuable for investigating the MI properties at the film part of the nanobrush due to the exchange coupling effect at the interface [24]. Figure  3 shows XRD patterns

of the cobalt nanowire arrays with different textures, and the inset shows the schematic diagrams of the competition between the shape anisotropy and the Dolutegravir mouse magnetocrystalline anisotropy. The (100) texture means the easy axis of magnetocrystalline anisotropy is perpendicular to the long axis of nanowires. In other words, the magnetic moments of nanowires at the interface are parallel to the FeNi film [27, 28]. The (002) texture means the easy axis of magnetocrystalline anisotropy is parallel to the long axis of nanowires (Figure  3b). For the 20-nm samples, the position of the peak center is 41.680°, which is consistent with the standard diffraction of hcp Co (100) (41.683°). The (101) and (002) peaks appear when the pH value of the electrolyte reaches 4.5 under room temperature. For the 50-nm samples, the (002) peak (44.264°) was prepared at the pH value of 6.4 and temperature of 20°C. Figure 3 XRD patterns of 50-nm nanowires with (100), (002), and (100) and (002) mixed textures.

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