All skin flaps showed acceptable static 2-point discrimination Ferrostatin-1 solubility dmso and adequate protective sensation. Patient satisfaction for resurfaced digits averaged 9 on a 10-points visual analogic scale. In conclusion, the free fasciocutaneous flaps used were thin and did not interfere with finger movements. The
patient’s finger formed a smooth contour and acceptable functional results were obtained after reconstruction. This method may be a valuable alternative for reconstruction of entire circumferential avulsion injury of the digits. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Microsurgery, 2013. “
“The object of this study was to compare the outcomes of the vacuum assisted closure (VAC) therapy and conventional wound care with dressing change for treatment of complex wounds in patients with replantation of amputated upper and lower extremities. Data of 43 patients with replantation of amputated extremities from May 2004 to December 2011 were reviewed. There were 18 wounds of 18 patients with replantation, which were treated by dressing change and 26 wounds of Fulvestrant cell line 25 patients by VAC
therapy. The outcomes were evaluated by the survival rate of replanted extremities, growth of granulation tissue, interval between wound treatment and secondary procedure and eventual secondary wound coverage methods. Vascular thromboses were found in 3 patients with wound treatment by dressing change and 5 by VAC. All replants of two groups of patients survived after salvage procedures. The wound score was 3.6 ± 0.7 in the conventional dressing change group and 5.8 ± 0.7 in the VAC group at the sixth day after treatment, respectively. The intervals between wound treatment and secondary wound coverage procedure were 12.0 ± 1.7 days in the dressing change group and 6.1 ± 0.7 days in
the VAC group. Flaps were applied for wound coverage in 9 out of 18 (50.0%) wounds in the dressing change group and 5 out of 26 (19.2%) in the VAC group (P < 0.05), when the wounds of rest of patients were covered by the skin graft. The results showed that VAC could promote the growth of granulation tissue of wound, decrease the need of flap for wound coverage, and did not change the survival of replantation. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Microsurgery 33:620–624, 2013. "
“The Histone demethylase aim of this study was to evaluate and compare the effectiveness of classical suture and sutureless repair with fibrin glue, by using or not a resorbable collagen tube, after sciatic nerve transection. Twenty-five mice were used in this study, divided in five groups. They were submitted to sciatic nerve transection and immediate repair of the nerve stumps by either direct suture or fibrin glue adhesion or by the tubulization technique in which the nerves stumps were sutured or glued to a collagen tube (experimental groups). A control group was designed as the best regeneration condition, by using a crush lesion (control group). After eight weeks, the regenerated nerves were processed for light and electron microscopy.