A homozygous deletion often marks the position of a tumor suppres

A homozygous deletion often marks the position of a tumor suppressor gene that may be deleterious for either development or progression of cancer. A small homozygous deletion at 8p23.1 was found in one (HCC2935) of 10 NSCLC Volasertib clinical trial cell lines. The SOX7 was located in this small homologously deleted region together with 2 other genes (UNQ9391 and RP1L1) (Figure 1C; Table 1). Expression of SOX7 in NSCLC Expression

of SOX7 gene was examined initially in 10 human NSCLC cell lines using quantitative RT-PCR (qRT-PCR). Compared with the average SOX7 mRNA level (arbitrary level 1) of five normal lung tissues, nine of the 10 cell lines exhibited extremely low levels of SOX7 mRNA (mean level was 12% of the average found in the normal lung tissues) (Figure 2A). In addition, SOX7 protein expression was only weakly detected in two (H460 and PC14) of these 10 NSCLC cell lines (Figure 2B). Figure 2 Down-regulation of SOX7 in NSCLC cells . (A) Real-time reverse transcription-PCR measurement of expression of SOX7 mRNA in 10 NSCLC cell lines and 5 normal lung samples. Relative expression level 1.0 represents the mean expression of the 5 normal lung tissues. (B) Western blot analysis

of SOX7 expression of the same 10 NSCLC cell lines. β-actin is used as the loading control. (*) denotes EGFR mutated cell lines. Next, a large number of clinical NSCLC samples were examined for expression levels of SOX7 mRNA in 62 pairs of tumors and their matched normal lung tissues using qRT-PCR (Figure 3A). Paired T-test analysis showed that the expression of SOX7 mRNA was significantly decreased in fifty-seven Protein tyrosine phosphatase of selleckchem 62 (92%) NSCLC samples compared with adjacent

normal lung tissues (p= 0.0006) (Figure 3B). The correlation between SOX7 mRNA levels, and clinical as well as pathologic characteristics was analyzed (Figure 3C). Expression levels of SOX7 mRNA were correlated with histology (adenocarcinoma had lower expression than either squamous or adenosquamous carcinoma, p= 0.0222) and tumor differentiation (poorly differentiated had lowest expression, p= 0.0607). In contrast, no significant correlations were identified between SOX7 expression in the NSCLC and age, BAY 11-7082 mouse gender, smoking history, tumor stage and invasion (Figure 3C). Figure 3 Downregulated SOX7 in NSCLC compared to matched normal lung samples . (A) Waterfall graph showing SOX7 mRNA expression in 62 paired human NSCLCs compared to normal lung tissue from the same patient. SOX7 mRNA expression was normalized to β-actin mRNA. (B) Statistical analysis of SOX7 mRNA expression in 62 paired human NSCLCs and normal lung tissues. Delta threshold cycle value (DCt) was calculated from the given threshold (Ct) value by the formula DCt = (Ct SOX7 – Ct β-actin) in each sample. P value was calculated with Paired T-test. (C) Relationship between significant SOX7 mRNA levels in the NSCLC samples and clinicopathological features of the patients and their NSCLC.

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