1 ms readout φδ(rλ,tκ=Nκ)φδ(rλ,tκ=Nκ) were used. With the approximation that the phase varies linearly over time, a phase ramp was estimated in the PE direction of the EPI readout in k -space, which corresponds to a shift in image space. (Note that the actual phase accrual is non-linear over time, and that the linear approximation is only used to estimate the displacements.) For each diffusion-encoding direction, a pixel-shift map was derived: equation(6) Δyδ(rλ)=Ny·φδ(rλ,tNy)2πNPEwhere Δyδ(rλ)Δyδ(rλ) is the number
of pixels shifted at pixel index λλ, Ny is the reconstructed image matrix size in the PE direction (=116px), NPE is the number of PE lines acquired with partial Fourier (=41). From the pixel-shift maps of each diffusion-encoding direction, the maximum pixel shift was computed Pirfenidone mw by taking the difference between the directions with the maximum and minimum pixel shift, on a pixel-by-pixel basis: equation(7)
Δymax(rλ)=maxδΔy(rλ)-minδΔy(rλ) Maps of the maximum pixel shift were converted into maximum-displacement maps using known voxel sizes. Displacement maps were displayed for the unipolar and bipolar sequences. Displacement maps for the first diffusion direction were also computed for various eddy-current orders (i.e., up to and including the zeroth, first, second, and third orders) to illustrate the relative contributions SP600125 clinical trial of linear and higher-order eddy currents between the two sequences. The mean fractional anisotropy (FA) and mean diffusivity (MD) were also computed for various levels of eddy-current correction for each sequence. The mean FA and MD were estimated from an ROI placed in the agar phantom, which was assumed to have isotropic diffusion and thus zero FA. Statistical significance was computed using paired t-tests to compare the FA and MD values at various levels of correction. A standard method of reducing the effects of eddy currents is to perform image
registration. Lonafarnib datasheet Images reconstructed with phase information from the field camera were compared with images corrected using affine image registration. Diffusion tensor images were registered using the FMRIB Software Library (FSL) (http://fsl.fmrib.ox.ac.uk/fsl/fslwiki/FLIRT) [30]. The full FOV of the image was used for registration. Examples of intensity profiles are plotted to visualize differences between registration and eddy-current correction with the field camera. The phase coefficients for each spherical-harmonic order are shown as a function of time in Fig. 2, where the phase deviations arising from unipolar and bipolar diffusion sequences can be compared for the first two diffusion-encoding directions. These curves represent phase contributions from eddy currents alone (since phases of the b = 0 s/mm2 scan have been subtracted). The phases show distinct evolution patterns that vary between the diffusion-encoding directions, and that differ between unipolar and bipolar sequences.